Versiuni ale Bibliei
Na Ceiṫre Soiscéil agus Gníoṁarṫa na n-Abstal 1943 (Pádraig Mac Giolla Cheara)
Irish Gaelic (Gaelic type)Citește ASN1943G
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The 4 Gospels and Acts of the Apostles 1943
An Scrioptúir Naoṁṫa - Na Ceiṫre Soiscéil agus Gníoṁarṫa na n-Abstal (The Holy Scriptures - The 4 Gospels and Acts of the Apostles) was first translated into Irish Gaelic by Rev. Pádraig Mac Giolla Cheara. It was published in Gaelic type in 1943 by Comhaltas Uladh of Belfast and Dundalk. It got the Imprimatur from Cardinal Joseph MacRory, Archbishop of Armagh, Primate of All Ireland.
Digital Edition
The text was digitised for the Bible Society of Northern Ireland in 2018, with the help of the Colin Glenn Christian Fellowship and the Bible Society.