(Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 6:31
First Nations Version
There were so many people coming and going all around them that they did not even have time to eat. So Creator Sets Free (Jesus) said to them, “Come with me, and we will find a quiet place in the wilderness to rest for a while.”
Explorează (Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 6:31
(Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 6:4
“A prophet is given much honor,” he said to them, “except in his own village, among his own clan and relatives, and even in his own family.”
Explorează (Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 6:4
(Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 6:34
As Creator Sets Free (Jesus) climbed out of the canoe, he saw the great crowd of people, and his heart went out to them again. He saw that they were like sheep with no shepherd to watch over them. He stayed there with them and began to teach and tell them stories about Creator’s good road.
Explorează (Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 6:34
(Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 6:5-6
Because of this he could do no great miracles among them, except to touch and heal a few sick people. He was troubled by their lack of trust in him. So he left his boyhood village and went about teaching in other villages.
Explorează (Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 6:5-6
(Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 6:41-43
Then he took the five pieces of frybread and two fish and held them up to the sky. He looked up into the spirit-world above and spoke words of blessing over them. He broke the frybread into smaller pieces and gave them to his followers to give to the people. Then he did the same with the fish. Everyone ate until they could eat no more. When they gathered up the leftovers, there were twelve baskets full.
Explorează (Mark) War Club Tells the Good Story 6:41-43