Lukas 12:40
The Orthodox Jewish Bible
So you be shomer, for the Bar Enosh comes in an hour you do not think.
Explorează Lukas 12:40
Lukas 12:31
But seek the Malchut HASHEM, and these things will be added to you as well.
Explorează Lukas 12:31
Lukas 12:15
And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, Take care and be shomer against all chamdanut (covetousness), because the Chayyei HaAdam does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.
Explorează Lukas 12:15
Lukas 12:34
For where your otzar (treasure) is, there also will be your lev (heart).
Explorează Lukas 12:34
Lukas 12:25
And can any of you by means of a LEV ROGEZ add one cubit to your span of Chayyim?
Explorează Lukas 12:25
Lukas 12:22
And Rebbe, Melech, HaMoshiach said to his talmidim, Therefore, I say to you: do not have a LEV ROGEZ for your Chayyim, about your okhel (food) or your basar (body), what you might put on.
Explorează Lukas 12:22
Lukas 12:7
But even the hairs of your rosh have all been inventoried. Never fear. You are of more worth than many sparrows.
Explorează Lukas 12:7
Lukas 12:32
Do not have pachad (terror, fear), Eder Katan (Little Flock), because it is the ratzon, the chefetz (desire) of your Av to give you the Malchut.
Explorează Lukas 12:32
Lukas 12:24
Consider the ravens! They do not sow nor reap, they have no storeroom or asam (granary), yet HASHEM feeds them. Of how much more worth are you than the OPH HASHOMAYIM.
Explorează Lukas 12:24
Lukas 12:29
And don't keep striving after okhel (food) and skikuy (drink), and don't have a lev rogez (anxious heart).
Explorează Lukas 12:29
Lukas 12:28
And if HASHEM so enrobes the grass of the field, which is here hayom (today) and thrown into the eish makhar (tomorrow), how much more will HASHEM enrobe you, you ones of little bitachon.
Explorează Lukas 12:28
Lukas 12:2
And nothing that men hide in a cover up is concealed which will not be revealed, and nothing held nistar (hidden) which will not be laid bare.
Explorează Lukas 12:2