Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com ROMANOS 8:28
Reset After Easter: A YouVersion Rest Plan for Pastors
3 Days
Because attendance typically surges on the Sunday that Christians celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection, Easter weekend represents one of the most rewarding — and challenging — times of the year for church leaders. We created this audio YouVersion Rest Plan to help church staff celebrate all that God did, rest from the work that went into preparing and executing, and reset for the ministry still to come.
3 Coisas Que Os Jovens Cristãos Calam
3 Dias
Entre tantas coisas para fazer, há uma que os jovens cristãos gostam de fazer, que é falar; mas há coisas sobre as quais se calam. Neylin Solís e Richard Paredes apresentam três coisas sobre as quais os jovens cristãos se calam. Recomenda-se a leitura deste plano, porque pode encontrar a solução para aquilo que cala.
Going Through Hard Times
4 Days
Facing difficult situations in our lives is inevitable. But in this short 4-day Plan, we’ll be encouraged knowing we are not alone, that God has a purpose for our pain, and that He will use it for His greater purpose.
When Disappointment Strikes
4 Days
Been dealing with disappointment? None of us are exempt from experiencing it. No matter who we are, we’ll all walk through times when we didn’t get what we wanted. So, what do we do with our disappointments? Is it wrong for us to feel this way? In this 4-Day Bible Plan, we’ll look at how we define, accept, process, and use our disappointments for good.
Living Changed: In the New Year
4 Days
With each New Year comes a new chance for a fresh start. Don’t let this be just another year that begins with resolutions you won’t keep. This 4-day plan will guide you in reflection and give you a new perspective so you can make this your best year yet.
Believing God Is Good No Matter What
5 Days
There are certain messages today, both outside and inside the church, that have tainted the true message of God’s favor. The reality is God isn’t obligated to provide good things for us—but he wants to! The next 5 days can help you take a fresh look around you with eyes that cut through the daily distortions and see the undeniable and extravagant goodness of God.
Becoming The Father God Wants You To Be
5 Days
Children are a blessing from the Lord, no matter the circumstances surrounding their birth (Psalm 127:3). If you are a father, thank God for it and decide right now that you are going to be what God wants you to be in your children’s lives, a visible, tangible illustration of Him, no matter what choices you’ve made to this point. Being a good father really is not as complicated as you might think! All you have to do is love your children like your Heavenly Father loves you.
Loss Doesn't Get The Final Word
5 Days
This plan will look at how the Bible tells us that God is working out all things for those who love Him and how grief and loss do not have the final word; God does.
Living Changed: Purpose
5 Days
Have you ever wondered what God created you to do or asked Him why you’ve been through certain experiences? You were uniquely created for a custom-built role that only you can fill. Even if you feel lost, or you’re hesitant to move, this 5-day plan will help you trust God, so He can lead you to your purpose.
Relationship Goals
5 Days
Search for #RelationshipGoals on social media, and you’ll find seemingly perfect images of couples in love. But what if the vision of relationship that our society is selling is a mirage? Pastor Michael Todd has written Relationship Goals: How to Win at Dating, Marriage, and Sex about having relationship goals that come from God and align with who He has made us to be.
Grieving With Hope
5 Days
Grief is a human experience and no one is immune to it. We grieve when we lose someone or a dream dies. It can strike at any point and is often when we least expect it. We’ll dive into understanding grief and learn how to process the different kinds we’ll go through. Join in on the 5-day Plan so that you can get through your grief in a healthy way.
Aprender a caminhar como Jesus - Desafio de 6 dias
6 dias
A vida por vezes torna-se tão difícil, que a maior vontade que temos é de baixar os braços e desistir. Neste breve plano, desejamos mostrar algumas estratégias que o podem ajudar a ver e a levar a vida da melhor perspetiva possível – a perspetiva de Jesus Cristo. Esperamos que se possa sentir mais forte e firme em Cristo, sabendo que nunca está sozinho.
Testando, Testando, Testando: Verificação De Segurança
6 Dias
A secção final da série de três partes fala sobre a última "verificação" que a adversidade e a perturbação proporcionam ao crente - a "Verificação de Segurança". Finalmente, há liberdade em vivermos as nossas vidas sob a sombra e o empoderamento da nossa Fé Cristã Trinitária.
Grief Bites: Doubt Revealed
7 Days
Are you struggling with heartache, doubt, or doubting God's goodness through a life storm? Are you experiencing apathy or distraction in your spiritual walk? This 7-Day reading plan will help to reveal any doubt you may hold in your heart and will help you to use doubt as a signal to grow closer to God's heart.
Victory Through Weakness
7 Days
Suffering can be perplexing. God’s people—and even Jesus himself—have often asked the “Why?” question when facing suffering. Scripture pulls back the curtain to reveal some, though not all, of God’s purposes in permitting suffering to enter our lives. Through it all, we are called to persevere faithfully, resting in the assurance of ultimate victory and eternal reward.
Jesus: Our Banner of Victory
7 Days
When we celebrate Easter, we celebrate the greatest triumph in history. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, He forever defeated the power of sin and the grave, and all their resulting side effects, and He chose to share that victory with us. This Easter week, let’s dive into some of the strongholds He conquered, reflect on the fight He fought for us, and praise Him as our Banner of Victory.
The Grudge
7 Days
It weighs you down. It keeps people out. It’s heavy and painful—it’s the grudge. Many of us may not realize it, but we’re carrying grudges that need to come out of darkness and into the light. Learn how you can find freedom through forgiveness in this 7-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, The Grudge.
Dreams Redeemed
7 Days
What do we do when our dreams seem out of reach or even shattered? Having overcome abuse and trauma, as well as the heartbreak of a divorce, I have been faced with this question again and again. Whether you’re experiencing the devastation of tragedy or loss, or the frustration of a long season of waiting, the God-dream for your life is still alive! Friend, it’s time to dream again.
Living Changed: After Divorce
7 Days
Divorce grieves the heart of God. He hates seeing us in pain and holding onto guilt, shame, and fear. Despite our mistakes, He longs for us to accept His grace and know we are valued, cherished, and irreplaceable. No matter your circumstances, this plan will help you find healing from your divorce, so you can live the redeemed life God has for you—one full of hope, joy, and purpose.
Resistir Sim, Desistir Jamais!
7 dias
Já pensou em desistir de tudo? Será que vale a pena tanto esforço para seguir a Jesus? O que é que tem de bom servi-Lo? Viaje comigo neste plano e juntos vamos descobrir se realmente vale a pena!
Permaneça Fiel, Custe O Que Custar
7 Dias
Não estou muito de acordo quando ouço esta frase: “você tem que pagar o preço!” Creio que o valor necessário é mais caro, Jesus já pagou por nós na cruz do calvário. No entanto, existem momentos que precisamos renunciar, uma renúncia que nos custa alguma coisa.
Quando Deus Nos Protege?
7 Dias
A todo instante, o telejornal mostra confrontos nalguma guerra. Cada vez mais se percebe o avanço tecnológico, e cada lado se prepara melhor para defender ou atacar bem como para surpreender o adversário. É certo que, espiritualmente, também estamos em guerra contra um inimigo audaz e bem preparado, que não tem poupado aqueles que entram num embate sem estarem qualificado, bem armados, vigilantes!
The Art of Overcoming
7 Days
Life is full of setbacks, losses, disappointments, and pain. “The Art of Overcoming” will help you deal with loss, grief, and hurt. It’s about refusing to allow the things that look like endings to discourage or derail you. Instead, let God turn them into beginnings. When life is confusing and difficult, don’t give up. Look up. No matter what difficult moment or painful loss you’re facing, God is with you.