Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com PROVÉRBIOS 27:17
FREEDOM From Porn For Men
6 Days
Porn is a battleground with many casualties, including broken lives and relationships. It disconnects us from reality and negatively affects our expectations about sex and love. It triggers changes in our body that become addictive and harmful. It may lead to other sin and, worst of all, it moves us away from God’s love. God wants to help set you free from the pattern of lust, guilt, and broken promises.
Craig & Amy Groeschel’s From This Day Forward
7 Days
You can have a great marriage. The choices you make today will determine the marriage you will have tomorrow. Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel and his wife, Amy, show you how five commitments can help you fail-proof your marriage: Seek God, fight fair, have fun, stay pure, and never give up. Get the marriage you always wanted, starting right now — from this day forward.
Better Together: Seeking God With Others
7 Days
God never intended for us to live life alone. In order to be more like Him, we need other Christ followers around us. Whether you have an incredible community around you or haven’t found it yet, this Plan will encourage you to go deeper with the people you do life with and learn how we can be better together.
The Legacy Journey
31 Days
Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. Following his own bankruptcy at age 30, Dave set out to learn God’s ways of handling money. Dave now devotes himself to teaching others how to take control of their money so they can live and give like never before. Over the next 31 days, Dave will guide you through what the Bible has to say about money and wealth and how to live and leave a legacy for generations to come.