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Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com NEEMIAS 3:5

Vencer a Preguiça Pt.1
5 Dias
A preguiça é algo com que todos nós lutamos (se formos completamente honestos connosco próprios). Este devocional é a primeira parte de uma pequena viagem pelos versículos da Bíblia que tratam do tema da preguiça.

Favor With Kings
7 Days
You long to live a life of significance. But what if you’ve been going about it completely wrong? Find the answers in the memoirs of Nehemiah. From Pastor Caleb Anderson's new book "Favor with Kings."

The Good Work
7 days
You might not be able to change the whole world, but you can change your part of it. What’s your purpose? What’s your story? What will God do through you? Find out through the experiences of Nehemiah in this Life.Church Bible Plan, accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, The Good Work.