Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com MATEUS 7:29
Gaining Godly Wisdom
5 Days
Many of us see wisdom as something more experienced people have. But, we really can have it no matter how long we’ve lived. This 5-day Plan will give you insight into what godly wisdom actually is and how to gain it.
Chasing Carrots
7 Days
We’re all chasing something. Usually something just out of reach—a better job, a more comfortable home, a perfect family, the approval of others. But isn’t this tiring? Is there a better way? Find out in this new Life.Church Bible Plan, accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, Chasing Carrots.
12 Days
Scripture challenges us to seek wisdom above all things. In this plan, you’ll explore several verses each day that speak directly to wisdom—what it is, why it’s important, and how to develop it.
Sermão Do Monte
15 Dias
Que tal estudarmos juntas o Sermão do monte? Nele, temos o próprio Deus encarnado a chamar aqueles que O querem seguir a se sentarem aos Seus pés e aprenderem o que significa, de maneira prática, ser um cidadão do Reino de Deus. Este é um estudo do Des-Abafa, ministério de mulheres da Igreja Red.
The Better Reading Plan
28 Days
Do you feel overwhelmed, dissatisfied, and stuck in a rut? Wishing your day-to-day life could improve? God's Word is your guide to brighter days. During this 28-day reading plan, you will discover ways you can go from living just a good life to living the type of better life that God desires you to have.