Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com LUCAS 22:32

What is Spiritual Warfare?
5 Days
If we choose to follow Christ, we’re engaged in spiritual warfare. It’s unseen and often undetected, but just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s nonexistent. Our spiritual enemy desires to disrupt our lives so we’ll live miserably. In this 5-day Plan, learn how to find victory by relying on God’s strength because it’s available. We just have to begin using it.

The Grace of God
5 Days
The grace of God is a never ending supply of His favor, love, and kindness to us. Even though we’ve done nothing to deserve it, it’s available to the entire world through Jesus. No matter how good or bad our choices may be, we’re all in need of God’s grace. In this Plan, we’ll learn more about how to live grace-filled lives.

30 Dias
Testemunhas oculares contam as boas novas que Lucas conta sobre a história de Jesus desde o nascimento até a morte e até a ressurreição; Lucas também reconta Seus ensinamentos que mudaram o mundo. Viaje diariamente por Lucas enquanto ouve o estudo em áudio e lê versículos selecionados da palavra de Deus.