Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com JOÃO 9:1

Sharing Your Faith
5 Days
When we become followers of Jesus, we begin a lifelong journey of growth. A part of growing in our faith is learning how to share the good news about Jesus with other people. In this 5-day Plan, we’ll learn how to share the hope and peace we have in Christ—and how that could change someone's life!

Healed by Jesus
6 Days
All of us need some type of healing in our lives. We might have a physical illness, emotional trauma, mental distress, or spiritual burden that we keep battling—even after years of praying it away. In this Plan, we’ll find hope and encouragement as we learn about a variety of ways that Jesus healed people.

Revelações Que Transformam
6 Dias
Jesus, no Seu ministério, realizou inúmeras curas e converteu milhares de pessoas com a autoridade e os ensinamentos que recebeu do Pai. Gostaria de chamar a sua atenção para algumas revelações que fez durante o Seu ministério, as quais transformaram a vida das pessoas, inclusive a minha. Tenho certeza que o refrigério, a segurança, a ressurreição, o vigor, a força e o caminho serão agentes transformadores na sua caminhada Cristã.

My Child’s Different: Support for the Ups & Downs
8 Days
This Bible Plan is for parents of children with disabilities, differences, or special needs of any kind—no matter what stage you’re in on your particular journey. Read from other parents and advocates about how to deal with all of the feels, tackle the trials, and enjoy the triumphs when it comes to parenting a child who’s different.