Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com JOÃO 3:17
Knowing God’s Heart
4 Days
We can easily fall into believing things about God that aren’t true. At times, we see things on social media or the news that make us question Him. So, what is true about God? Does He know what He's doing? Is He really loving and kind, even when things don't seem to be going well? In this 4-Day Bible Plan, let’s learn how we can know God’s heart together.
Convites (S1-E7)
4 Dias
Este plano de leitura leva-o a percorrer alguns dos temas que surgiram na parte de "Os Escolhidos >> Convites". Reflita, mergulhe na Bíblia e desfrute do que Jesus tem para lhe dizer.
The Christmas Story
5 Days
Every good story has a plot twist—an unexpected moment that changes everything. One of the biggest plot twists in the Bible is the Christmas story. Over the next five days, we’ll explore how this one event changed the world and how it can change your life today.
Why Is It So Hard to Forgive?
5 Days
All of us need forgiveness. But too often we treat forgiveness like it’s optional, when in reality, it’s a prerequisite to grow in our faith. In this 5-day Plan, we’ll discover hope and truth from different biblical accounts about forgiveness as we receive it for ourselves and extend it to others.
Showing Empathy
5 Days
Empathy allows us to perceive the needs of others, and bring hope and relief into their lives. Often, we can struggle with how to display empathy. Fortunately, we have a great example: in this Plan. We’ll look at what the Bible has to say about empathy, and how we can grow in ours in order to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Luz - Atraídos Para a Vida Pela Irresistível Luz
5 Dias
Durante as suas leituras diárias, medite e aplique a Palavra de Deus à sua vida. Estará mais bem preparado para detetar as luzes artificiais do inimigo, permanecer no caminho iluminado de Deus e brilhar intensamente por Cristo, na sua casa e na comunidade em que vive.
5 Dias
Comece sua jornada de estudo da Bíblia em áudio com um guia diário com fundamentos importantes do estudo e versículos selecionados da palavra de Deus. Aprenda a maximizar seu tempo lendo a Bíblia.
Why Does God Love Me?
5 Days
Questions: When it comes to God, we all have them. Given our comparison-driven culture, one of the most personal questions we may find ourselves asking is, “Why does God love me?” Or maybe even, “How could He?” Over the course of this plan, you’ll engage with a total of 26 Scripture passages—each one speaking the truth of God’s unconditional love for you.
A Maior Decisão da Tua Vida!
6 Dias
A maioria das decisões na vida tem uma importância. Contudo, apenas uma decisão é a mais importante. Se procuras um guia simples para um profundo conhecimento desta extraordinária decisão – o dom gratuito da salvação de Deus – então começa aqui. Plano de leitura tirado do livro “Out of this World; A Christian’s Guide to Growth and Purpose” de David J. Swandt.
One Minute After You Die
6 Days
C.S. Lewis said, “Aim at Heaven and you will get earth ‘thrown in.’ Aim at earth and you get neither.” In other words, what you do today because of what you believe about what happens after you die could change everything, forever. Start this Life.Church Bible Plan today to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s new series, One Minute After You Die.
7 Days
Still haven't made up your mind about God? Not really sure what you believe? Spend the next seven days exploring the Bible and see what God reveals to you about his true nature. This is your opportunity to read the story for yourself and decide what you believe. The idea of God is too important for you to still be undecided.
7 Prayers For Ferocious Warriors
7 days
Cora Jakes Coleman imparts seven ferocious prayers to help you break down every demonic stronghold and turn you into a ferocious warrior for God.
Aprender a Amar O Próximo
7 dias
Sabia que o amor é o assunto central da Bíblia? Neste plano, iremos aprender a amar como Jesus nos ama!
Jesus Loves Me
7 Days
If someone asked you, "What do I need to believe to be a Christian?" what would you say? By using the simple lyrics to a beloved song, "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so”, a journalist-turned-pastor helps you understand what you believe and why. Bestselling author John S. Dickerson clearly and faithfully explains essential Christian beliefs and powerfully illustrates why these beliefs matter.
O Deus Dos Milagres
7 Dias
Somente abrindo o coração, podemos compreender que o poder que Deus manifesta sobre nós, destina-se a abençoar os que estão ao nosso redor e glorificar o Seu nome.
Vive com Força e Coragem!
8 Dias
Nunca estás sozinho. Quer seja o teu primeiro dia ou o trigésimo ano como Cristão, esta verdade permanece firme em todos os desafios que a vida te pode trazer. Aprende como abraçar a ajuda de Deus com este plano. Plano de leitura tirado do livro “Out of This World: A Christian’s Guide to Growth and Purpose” de David J. Swandt
His Great Sacrifice, Our Great Commission
10 Days
Travel a different road that leads to Easter this year. Start your journey with global missionaries in the Middle East and navigate the sights and sounds that will help you experience Easter from a whole new perspective. Experience anew why Jesus came to this earth--to save the souls of mankind.
"Eu Sou..." Como Jesus Se Revela
11 Dias
Na Bíblia, lemos muitas histórias sobre Jesus pelas quais aprendemos a conhecê-Lo melhor. Mas o apóstolo João também registrou declarações de Jesus sobre Si mesmo. Essas declarações chamadas "Eu sou" são frases curtas e concisas que revelam algo sobre o caráter ou ministério de Jesus. Lê-las é uma ótima maneira de conhecer melhor a Jesus!
Sermão Do Monte
15 Dias
Que tal estudarmos juntas o Sermão do monte? Nele, temos o próprio Deus encarnado a chamar aqueles que O querem seguir a se sentarem aos Seus pés e aprenderem o que significa, de maneira prática, ser um cidadão do Reino de Deus. Este é um estudo do Des-Abafa, ministério de mulheres da Igreja Red.
Joy! to Your World! A Countdown to Christmas
25 Days
Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven’s entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experiences of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias and Elizabeth, the shepherd and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.
Christmas Encouragement By Greg Laurie
25 Days
Don’t let the busyness and pressure of this holiday season rob you of the joy and true celebration of our Savior Jesus this December! Receive daily encouragement through Pastor Greg Laurie’s special Christmas devotions, as he reflects on the true meaning of this most celebrated time of the year. Harvest Ministries with Greg Laurie