Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com JOÃO 21:15
Love Like You've Never Been Hurt By Jentezen Franklin
7 Days
It's no secret that those who are closest to us can wound us the most profoundly. Reeling from betrayal, we build walls around our hearts to protect us from the heartache, yet these are the very walls that block us from seeing hope, receiving healing and feeling love. It's time to tear down your walls, work through your wounds, repair damaged relationships and discover the power of an open heart.
Every Language: Listening To The Multilingual God
7 Days
God’s communication with humanity was intended from the beginning for “every nation, tribe, and language.” While all languages are equally competent in expressing the message of the Bible, each language has unique capacities to communicate certain biblical messages in exceptionally enriching ways that other languages cannot. This Bible Plan explores seven of those hidden treasures that will expand how you think about God and his good news.
The Final Lessons: A Holy Week Plan
10 Days
Let’s slow down this Holy Week and learn from Christ’s final days on earth. Each day we will receive lessons or gifts that He took the time to give. Do you need a fresh reminder of what mattered most to Christ—that you love His people and follow Him? What could He want to teach you this Holy Week?
The Characters of Easter: Simon Peter
10 Days
Peter was just a fisherman from backwater Galilee, but he was pursued by Jesus and became the rock upon which the church was built. He witnessed the pivotal moment of the cross and empty tomb. Join author Daniel Darling on this 10-day plan to discover the life of Simon Peter, an unlikely character caught up in the story of Jesus.