Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com JOÃO 2:3
Jesus e a Samaritana: Quando Nos Curvamos Diante Da Graça
4 Dias
Nenhum dos relatos evangélicos é tão repleto de incertezas e, ao mesmo tempo, tão irresistível quanto o relato da mulher samaritana. Neste relato, a fé e a dúvida caminham juntas. Esta história começa de forma simples, sem pretensões, mas ao final entrega tudo. Recomendo uma leitura atenta deste relato no Evangelho de João 4:1-42.
O presente de casamento (S1-E5)
4 Dias
Este plano de leitura leva-o a percorrer alguns dos temas que surgiram na parte de "Os Escolhidos >> O presente de casamento". Reflita, mergulhe na Bíblia e desfrute do que Jesus tem para lhe dizer.
The Miracles of Jesus
5 Days
While Jesus walked on earth, He performed more miracles than we’ll know about. He healed the sick, brought people back to life, and did unimaginable acts that left onlookers speechless. In this Plan, we’ll learn about five miracles Jesus performed and the truths from them that we can apply to our lives.
5 Days
Marriage is a challenging and rewarding relationship, and so often we forget that “I do” is only the beginning. Fortunately, the Bible has much to say about marriage from both the husband’s and wife’s perspectives. The brief Scripture passages you’ll encounter each day of this plan are designed to help you grow in your understanding of God’s design for marriage—and deepen your relationship with your spouse in the process.