Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com JOÃO 13:16
Demasiado Grande Para Compreender
4 Dias
Um plano para se reencontrar com Deus, para voltar aos braços do Pai, para assumir um compromisso com Ele. Neste devocional irá conhecer várias faces do amor de Deus e diferentes momentos que são cruciais no nosso relacionamento com o Senhor.
7 Things The Bible Says About Marriage
7 Days
The Bible says that when you find a spouse, you’ve found a good thing. How do you make that feeling last? And can you continue growing closer? What does it take for a godly marriage to fulfill its promise? In this seven-day devotional from YouVersion, staff members share their answers to these questions and more. Each day includes a Verse Image you can share to honor your spouse.
The Final Lessons: A Holy Week Plan
10 Days
Let’s slow down this Holy Week and learn from Christ’s final days on earth. Each day we will receive lessons or gifts that He took the time to give. Do you need a fresh reminder of what mattered most to Christ—that you love His people and follow Him? What could He want to teach you this Holy Week?
Business With God
12 Days
Punch greed in the face with reckless love! God is eager to display his love, goodness, and wisdom for all of heaven and earth to see. Dive into God’s desire to use business to supernaturally touch physical and spiritual poverty and bring the abundance of His kingdom to earth.