Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com JOÃO 10:11
Everything I Need
3 days
God has gone before us and protects us from behind. He has our battles already handled. He has the blindside covered. He isn’t surprised by curveballs. This focused 3-day devotional will leave you encouraged in the truth that God is the provider of the exact portion, the exact measure, for your life.
He Calls Us By Name
5 Days
Humans are a lot like sheep. Just like sheep, we need a shepherd to guide us on the paths of life. Jesus is our Good Shepherd. He calls us by name, leads us out of bondage, finds us when we’re lost, knows us intimately, and keeps us from harm. He not only leads us, He loves us. Jesus laid down His life for us. Join me in this five-day study as we explore different ways Jesus shepherds us.
Things Jesus Never Said
6 Days
If Jesus were on board with every idea His followers have staked His claim in, then He’d be one incredibly confused Son of God, always at odds with Himself and overly busy leading the charge for both sides of every debate. Thankfully, Jesus speaks for Himself. You can read His words in this new Life.Church Bible Plan to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, Things Jesus Never Said.
Listening To God
7 Days
Amy Groeschel has written this seven-day Bible Plan in hopes it will be taken as straight from our loving Father’s heart to yours. Her prayer is that it teaches you to avoid the opposing clamor and awakens you to focus on His voice.
Vida Eterna
9 Dias
Quando Jesus fala sobre o Seu ministério, Ele diz que o Seu propósito é dar às pessoas uma vida abundante. Esta é a razão pela qual Ele veio a esta terra: “para que todo aquele que n'Ele crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna” (João 3:16). Como é essa vida eterna e abundante? Vamos ler o que a Bíblia nos diz sobre este assunto.
The Final Lessons: A Holy Week Plan
10 Days
Let’s slow down this Holy Week and learn from Christ’s final days on earth. Each day we will receive lessons or gifts that He took the time to give. Do you need a fresh reminder of what mattered most to Christ—that you love His people and follow Him? What could He want to teach you this Holy Week?
21-Days of Praying for Friends
21 Days
Oftentimes we struggle to share the gospel with our friends. Either we are overcome with fear or don't know what to share. We all need a burden to reach our lost friends for Christ. This is a 21-day Bible reading plan that helps us meditate specifically on passages related to evangelism and is accompanied by a short prayer for each day for our friends.