Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com JOÃO 1:1

Knowing & Loving the Trinity
4 Days
This devotional gives us a closer look at each member of the Trinity.

5 Prayers of Humility
5 Days
Need more of God's grace, favor, and blessing? Then pray these five simple prayers of humility, asking the Lord to favor you and help you. He will answer your prayer; He gives grace to the humble! And if you humble yourself before the Lord, He will lift you up.

Cristo O Deus-Homem: Uma Reflexão Do Advento Sobre O Nascimento Através De Uma Virgem
6 Dias
Passei seis dias neste tempo do advento com o Dr. Ramesh Richard, presidente da RREACH (um Ministério de Proclamação Global) e professor do Seminário Teológico de Dallas, à medida que ofereciam algumas dicas oportunas sobre a divindade e humanidade de Cristo. Prepare o seu coração para a celebração do Natal contemplando a importância do nascimento através de uma virgem e as suas implicações para a nossa fé Cristã.

Perto do coração de Deus, há sempre uma nova revelação
6 Dias
Um plano de 6 dias para que receba algo novo...

Praying With Wonder Through Christmas
7 Days
The Christmas story is one surprise after another. But sometimes the details become so familiar that they lose their impact. These short prayer devotionals help you to dwell deeply on the most unexpected and significant event in history: that God himself became one of us. Each prayer is written by David Mathis, executive editor for and pastor at Cities Church in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

La Biblia está viva
7 días
Desde el principio de los tiempos, la Palabra de Dios ha restaurado corazones y mentes de manera activa: Y Dios no ha terminado aún. En este Plan especial de 7 días, celebremos el poder que transforma vidas de la Escritura observando más detenidamente cómo Dios está usando la Biblia para impactar en la historia y cambiar vidas alrededor del mundo.

O Propósito De Deus Na Provação
7 Dias
No meio das tempestades da vida, Jonas ensina-nos que fugir da vontade de Deus leva-nos a grandes provações. Assim como ele, enfrentamos desafios para nos aperfeiçoar. Confie no propósito divino, pois até nas profundezas, onde a fúria do mar e a barriga de um peixe se encontram, encontramos a oportunidade de mudar e cumprir a vontade de Deus.

Ele Vai Aperfeiçoar Todas as Coisas
11 Dias
Com o caos parecendo governar todo o mundo: guerras, perseguições, escassez, fome, etc; precisamos de saber se vamos sobreviver nesta vida e se Deus Se importa. A conclusão esmagadora é: “Sim, Deus consertará todas as coisas!” Caminhe connosco pelas passagens das escrituras que nos incentivam a erguer os olhos e a nos regozijarmos na Sua soberania sobre todas as coisas.

Noel: Christmas Is For Everyone
12 Days
Over the next 12 days, we’re going to take a journey through the Christmas story and discover not only why it’s the greatest story ever told, but also how Christmas is truly for everyone!

Conversations With God
12 Days
Conversations With God is a joyous immersion into a more intimate prayer life, emphasizing practical ways to hear God's voice. God wants us to enjoy a running conversation with Him all of our lives—a conversation that makes all the difference in direction, relationships, and purpose. This plan is filled with transparent, personal stories about the reaching heart of God. He loves us!

The Impact Of Scripture
15 Days
What does the Bible have to say about the Bible? What does an ancient book have to say to modern people? This Life.Church Bible Plan explores the role Scripture can play in our everyday lives with Bible readings that highlight how God’s Word is still His Word to us today.

God's Design For Sex
5 Days
Money handlers at the Treasury learn to spot counterfeit bills by familiarizing themselves with intricate patterns found in the real thing. Likewise, understanding the brokenness of sexual sin begins with God’s design for authentic sexual intimacy. The sacredness of human sexuality transcends the physical act itself. It reflects God’s holiness, His relationship within the Trinity, and His desire to conform your body, soul, and mind to the image of Christ.

21-Days of Praying for Friends
21 Days
Oftentimes we struggle to share the gospel with our friends. Either we are overcome with fear or don't know what to share. We all need a burden to reach our lost friends for Christ. This is a 21-day Bible reading plan that helps us meditate specifically on passages related to evangelism and is accompanied by a short prayer for each day for our friends.

The Heartbeat of God
30 Days
A treasure principal of faith lies within this 30 day devotional, "The Heartbeat of God." Each day begins with a declaration of praise using these words, "O God, You are...". Then, an unfolding of His character and attributes begins (for example: "O God, You are Good"). These scripture-filled devotional prayers guide the reader into a practice of lifting up God's Name, which results in a deeper understanding of His intentional "heartbeat" of love for His people.