Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com JEREMIAS 1:5
O Amor Que Cura
5 Dias
Sabia que Deus estará ao seu lado no seu vício, na prisão, na doença, quando há recaída, etc. Isso foi realmente o que me mudou! Passei a ter a convicção de que Ele me ama e está ao meu lado.
Free Of Me: Why Life Is Better When It’s Not All About You
7 Days
I’ve discovered something surprising: living for myself is a lot of work. Focusing on how to be the best “me” sounds freeing, but it is actually a crushing weight—because God calls us to know the joy of focusing first on him. I hope this glimpse into my book Free of Me resonates with your own desire to let go of yourself and hold on to God. It’s where we find true freedom!
Listening To God
10 Days
Does God still speak to us today? And if so, how can we distinguish His voice from the deceptions and distortions of the enemy? Join Dr. Charles Stanley as he helps you identify the voice of God, listening actively for His guidance and separating truth from false messages intended to deceive. Discover your key role in the practice of prayer and listening to the voice of God.