Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com HEBREUS 4:16
9 Common Lies Christians Believe: Part 2 Of 3
3 days
Maybe God isn’t who you think He is. Maybe He’s much better. This devotional will help identify some Christian clichés we’ve all heard that are actually unbiblical lies. These clichés may seem innocent, but are harmful to our faith and keep far too many believers stuck in spiritual immaturity. Learn to encounter these lies with the truths about God in the Bible, to bring encouragement and freedom to our lives.
The Gift
5 Days
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but we often find ourselves hustling through the holidays. This Christmas, what if we reclaimed wonder? In this 5-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, The Gift, we’ll discover how the three gifts the wise men gave Jesus can lead us to a place of wonder and worship today.
Walking Through Spiritual Valleys
5 Days
As Christ followers, we all prefer mountaintop experiences in our faith. But, it’s usually in the spiritual valleys where we learn and grow, and where our faith expands. After reading this 5-day Plan, you’ll have the insight to handle these spiritual bleak times with grace and hope and be encouraged that God is working in them even if you don’t feel it.
Faith Instead of Fear in The Pandemic
5 Days
At a time when fear is gripping many hearts – even the hearts of those who believe in Jesus – it’s time to take a stand. It’s time to be bold in our faith, to shine the light of Jesus’ love into the hearts of those around us. Join Christianityworks’ Berni Dymet as he opens God’s Word to allow the Holy Spirit to breathe a quiet confidence within you.
Showing Empathy
5 Days
Empathy allows us to perceive the needs of others, and bring hope and relief into their lives. Often, we can struggle with how to display empathy. Fortunately, we have a great example: in this Plan. We’ll look at what the Bible has to say about empathy, and how we can grow in ours in order to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
A Parent’s Guide to a New Baby: Suffering and Self-care
5 Days
Having a baby changes everything. It’s like this little life becomes a new center of gravity, pulling the rest of your world into its orbit. It’s hard to know how to get ready for such an unknown like having a newborn. Prepare practically and spiritually to deeply enjoy and thrive in one the hardest and most beautiful seasons of your life.
New Year: A Fresh Start
5 Days
A new year equals a new beginning and a fresh start. It is a time to reset, refresh, and refocus on what's most important in your life. Having the best year ever starts by knowing you are made new through Jesus. Live new in the new year!
Six Days Of The Names Of God
6 Days
From the many names of God, He has revealed to us aspects of His character and His nature. Beyond Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Bible shows over 80 different names of God. Provided here are six names and their meanings to help the believer draw closer to the One True God. Excerpts from Experience the Power of God's Names: A Life-Giving Devotional , by Dr. Tony Evans. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2017.
Break Free From Envy a Six-Day Reading Plan by Anna Light
6 Days
Now, more than ever, we are faced with everyone’s life as they want it to be seen, and the comparison to our own lives stirs up envy. You do not want this spirit festering in you, but what about the damage envy causes when it is coming against you from another person? In this reading plan, you will discover how to overcome envy, safeguard your heart, and walk in freedom.
6 Days
There’s someone strong, wild, and full of courage inside ready to get up and fight for what matters. This Life.Church Bible Plan to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Warrior, will call you to find purpose, defy hesitation, heal from wounds, fight addiction, and rise up a champion.
God Is _______
6 Days
Who is God? We all have different answers, but how do we know what’s true? No matter what your experiences with God, Christians, or church have been like, it’s time to discover God for who He really is—real, present, and ready to meet you right where you are. Take the first step in this 6-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, God Is _______.
Cristo O Deus-Homem: Uma Reflexão Do Advento Sobre O Nascimento Através De Uma Virgem
6 Dias
Passei seis dias neste tempo do advento com o Dr. Ramesh Richard, presidente da RREACH (um Ministério de Proclamação Global) e professor do Seminário Teológico de Dallas, à medida que ofereciam algumas dicas oportunas sobre a divindade e humanidade de Cristo. Prepare o seu coração para a celebração do Natal contemplando a importância do nascimento através de uma virgem e as suas implicações para a nossa fé Cristã.
Líderes como Cristo
6 Dias
Explore as qualidades de líderes que são imitadores de Cristo, por isso impactam igrejas e vários setores da sociedade. Aprofunde-se em temas como: amor, direção do Espírito e a batalha entre o vício e a virtude. Cresça em liderança e fé à medida que abraça a transformação para ser um líder que reflete Cristo, manifestando humildade, integridade e simplicidade.
Praying For Your Elephant - Praying Bold Prayers
7 Days
Dive into the adventure that is the prayer-filled life. Join Pastor Adam Stadtmiller on a journey to learn how to pray for big things – your elephants – while gaining greater intimacy with God. This seven-day plan is an introduction to Praying for Your Elephants.
God With Us
7 Days
Christmas is a time of great joy, signaling the birth of Jesus, our Savior. There are many prophecies throughout the Bible of the coming of Jesus, and through this devotional, we’ll take a look at seven of the names God uses in Scripture to announce His coming. We’ll explore how Jesus embodies each of these names and is just as relevant for us today as when He walked the earth.
Dangerous Prayers
7 Days
Are you tired of playing it safe with your faith? Are you ready to face your fears, build your faith, and unleash your potential? This 7-day Bible Plan from Life.Church Pastor Craig Groeschel’s book, Dangerous Prayers, dares you to pray dangerously—because following Jesus was never meant to be safe.
7 Days
Most of us try to avoid or ignore our emotions. We might even wonder if our faith and our feelings are enemies. But during His time on earth, Jesus felt emotions deeply. He wasn’t distant from us. He’s with us—even in our emotions. In this 7-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Emotions, we’ll look at how Jesus lived to discover how our feelings might increase our faith.
Permanecendo em Fé
7 Dias
Pela fé vemos a esperança que alivia o sofrimento, os dias são maus e, nesses últimos tempos devemo-nos agarrar à promessa de que Aquele que vem, virá e não tardará. Este devocional com base no livro a Trilogia do Fim - Os Bons e os Maus, propõe uma jornada de aprofundamento nas bases cristãs e mudança de visão acerca do nosso tempo na terra.
O Que Tem a Fé Para Oferecer a Empreendedores Em Momentos De Crise?
7 Dias
No mundo do empreendedorismo, estamos muitas vezes sob pressão. Isto leva-nos a pensar: como empreendedores, como lidamos com estas circunstâncias, e qual é o valor adicional da fé cristã nestas alturas de pressão e de crise?
1 Week
Learn what the Bible says about boldness and confidence. The "Courage" Reading Plan encourages believers with reminders of who they are in Christ and in God's kingdom. When we belong to God, we're free to approach Him directly. Read again – or maybe for the first time – assurances that your place in God's family is secure.
Salvation Rise
10 Days
Salvation Rise takes a closer look at the Scripture that inspired the songs on NewSpring Worship's latest album. Written for new Christians, this 10-day study is a celebration of who God is, what He's done, and all He has in store for us next. Go to to buy the album or to download chord charts and performance tracks.
Como Entrar No Descanso De Deus: Hebreus 4
14 dias
Hebreus 4 é fundamental para o crescimento do crente. Venha com ousadia a Jesus! Entre no verdadeiro descanso de Deus pela fé. Permita que a Palavra de Deus exponha o seu coração. Encontre graça e compaixão para as fraquezas. Descubra a verdade da Palavra de Deus, encontre confiança na sua fé em Jesus e cresça na sua vida espiritual com ajuda do Comentário Bíblico da Enduring Word de David Guzik.
Como Lidar Com Tribulação E Sofrimento
18 Dias
O apóstolo Paulo diz aos seus leitores: “...que era preciso passar muitos sofrimentos até entrar no reino de Deus.” (Atos 14:22). Lendo o livro de Atos ou ouvindo testemunhos de cristãos de todo o mundo, essas palavras são comprovadas como verdadeiras. Os crentes enfrentam oposição e perseguição. Talvez, até mesmo na sua vida, esteja a experimentar aflição. Neste plano de leitura, queremos incentivá-lo e ensiná-lo a lidar com a aflição.
20 Dias
Cristão que é cristão tem na oração um chão e um cavalo de batalha. Orar é derramar os nossos corações a Deus, o nosso Pai. O objetivo deste plano devocional de 20 dias é guiar o leitor a entrar numa oficina de oração, a partir de algumas passagens bíblicas para que a nossa satisfação e alegria em Jesus, vertidas em oração, possam ser ainda maiores.
21 Days
Learn how best to pray, both from the prayers of the faithful and from the words of Jesus Himself. Find encouragement to keep taking your requests to God every day, with persistence and patience. Explore examples of empty, self righteous prayers, balanced against the pure prayers of those with clean hearts. Pray constantly.