Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com HEBREUS 4:14
9 Common Lies Christians Believe: Part 2 Of 3
3 days
Maybe God isn’t who you think He is. Maybe He’s much better. This devotional will help identify some Christian clichés we’ve all heard that are actually unbiblical lies. These clichés may seem innocent, but are harmful to our faith and keep far too many believers stuck in spiritual immaturity. Learn to encounter these lies with the truths about God in the Bible, to bring encouragement and freedom to our lives.
Faith Instead of Fear in The Pandemic
5 Days
At a time when fear is gripping many hearts – even the hearts of those who believe in Jesus – it’s time to take a stand. It’s time to be bold in our faith, to shine the light of Jesus’ love into the hearts of those around us. Join Christianityworks’ Berni Dymet as he opens God’s Word to allow the Holy Spirit to breathe a quiet confidence within you.
New Year: A Fresh Start
5 Days
A new year equals a new beginning and a fresh start. It is a time to reset, refresh, and refocus on what's most important in your life. Having the best year ever starts by knowing you are made new through Jesus. Live new in the new year!
Cristo O Deus-Homem: Uma Reflexão Do Advento Sobre O Nascimento Através De Uma Virgem
6 Dias
Passei seis dias neste tempo do advento com o Dr. Ramesh Richard, presidente da RREACH (um Ministério de Proclamação Global) e professor do Seminário Teológico de Dallas, à medida que ofereciam algumas dicas oportunas sobre a divindade e humanidade de Cristo. Prepare o seu coração para a celebração do Natal contemplando a importância do nascimento através de uma virgem e as suas implicações para a nossa fé Cristã.
1 Week
Learn what the Bible says about boldness and confidence. The "Courage" Reading Plan encourages believers with reminders of who they are in Christ and in God's kingdom. When we belong to God, we're free to approach Him directly. Read again – or maybe for the first time – assurances that your place in God's family is secure.
Como Entrar No Descanso De Deus: Hebreus 4
14 dias
Hebreus 4 é fundamental para o crescimento do crente. Venha com ousadia a Jesus! Entre no verdadeiro descanso de Deus pela fé. Permita que a Palavra de Deus exponha o seu coração. Encontre graça e compaixão para as fraquezas. Descubra a verdade da Palavra de Deus, encontre confiança na sua fé em Jesus e cresça na sua vida espiritual com ajuda do Comentário Bíblico da Enduring Word de David Guzik.
21 Days
Learn how best to pray, both from the prayers of the faithful and from the words of Jesus Himself. Find encouragement to keep taking your requests to God every day, with persistence and patience. Explore examples of empty, self righteous prayers, balanced against the pure prayers of those with clean hearts. Pray constantly.