Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com GÁLATAS 3:7
12 Days
Is seeing believing? Or is believing seeing? Those are questions of faith. This plan offers in-depth study of faith—from Old Testament stories of real people who demonstrated courageous faith in impossible situations to Jesus’ teachings on the subject. Through your readings, you’ll be encouraged to deepen your relationship with God and to become a more faithful follower of Jesus.
New Year, New Mercies
15 Days
Over the course of 15 days, Paul David Tripp will remind you of God’s grace towards you—truths that never grow old. When “behavior modification” or feel-good aphorisms aren’t enough to make you new, learn to trust in God’s goodness, rely on His grace, and live for His glory each and every day.
15 Dias na carta aos Gálatas
15 Dias
Nestes 15 dias, vai percorrer a carta aos Gálatas, escrita pelo apóstolo Paulo, e descobrir os desafios que os cristãos e a Igreja enfrentavam naquela altura e os desafios que pode estar a enfrentar ainda hoje.
20 Dias
“Somente pela fé” somos salvos, e não por qualquer coisa que façamos para merecer o dom da salvação – essa é a mensagem clara e direta da carta aos Gálatas. Viaje diariamente por Gálatas enquanto ouve o estudo em áudio e lê versículos selecionados da palavra de Deus.
Countdown to Christmas
29 Days
Welcome to Thriving Family's 28-day Advent Activity Calendar! Don't miss out on this opportunity to explore the true meaning of Christmas and draw closer together as a family! These parent-child activities have been created to help you keep this Christmas season focused on Christ!