Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com ÊXODO 20:10
3 days
“Our hearts are restless till they find their rest in Thee.” Never before have so many of us felt the restlessness Augustine described with this famous sentence. But what is the solution to our lack of true rest? As this three day plan will show, the solution partially lies in viewing the ancient practice of Sabbath through a different lens—through the lens of “Thee”—Jesus—our ultimate source of peace.
Understanding the Sabbath
4 Days
Most of us are overworked and utterly exhausted, so the concept of Sabbath could not be more important. To honor the Sabbath means to “keep it holy,” and holy simply means “set apart.” Our Sabbath should look different than the other six days of our week. In this Plan, we’ll discuss what it is, what it isn’t, how it looks today, and finding our true rest in Jesus.
Sábado (S1-E2)
4 Dias
Este plano de leitura leva-o a percorrer alguns dos temas que surgiram na parte de Os Escolhidos >> Sábado. Reflita, mergulhe na Bíblia e desfrute do que Jesus tem para lhe dizer.
All Is Calm: Receiving Jesus' Rest This Christmas
5 Days
‘Tis the season to be jolly, but also very busy. Come away for a few moments of rest and worship that will sustain you throughout the merry labors of the season. Based on the book Unwrapping the Names of Jesus: An Advent Devotional , this 5-day devotional reading plan will guide you to receive Jesus’ rest this Christmas by taking moments to remember His goodness, express your neediness, seek His stillness, and trust His faithfulness.
Breathing Room
5 Days
Do you ever feel like you don’t enjoy anything because you’re trying to do everything? Multitasking your way through life with your loved ones. . .You’re efficient. But you’re exhausted. You just need a little bit of breathing room. With one surprisingly simple invitation, God offers a way to trade your overwhelming pace for one that will finally bring you peace. This plan will show you how.
Running the Race: 5-Days of Encouragements for an Active Lifestyle
5 Days
In this five-day plan, be encouraged with stories of overcoming, finding humility, and running the race of life. Created especially for an active lifestyle, this short devotional urges you to reflect on the race you're running and begin to see things from a new perspective.
Sua Vida É Valiosa!
7 dias
A vida é valiosa, apesar dos seus altos e baixos e dos seus problemas e conflitos. Vamos aprender a lidar com tudo isso? Viaje comigo neste plano e verá quão valiosa é a sua vida!
Scaling Leadership with Biblical Wisdom
8 Days
Scaling our leadership is critical today. We must enlarge, magnify, maximize, and grow our leadership capacity to navigate our ever-changing environment. Rapidly evolving technology, changing employee/team dynamics, and shifting economics are just some of the issues we encounter. But don't think scaling our leadership is just for the workplace. We must scale our leadership at home and in our relationships. Dive in today to gain practical, relevant leadership insight.
Sabbath - Living According to God's Rhythm
8 Days
The Evangelical Alliance Week of Prayer (WOP) is a worldwide but mostly Europe-wide observed initiative with material provided by the European Evangelical Alliance. WOP 2022 takes place under the theme "Sabbath." Throughout eight days readers are invited to focus on one aspect of the Sabbath: identity, provision, rest, compassion, remembrance, joy, generosity, and hope. We pray that this material will help you to (re)discover a life according to God's rhythm!
Ama O Teu Próximo Como a Ti Mesmo
13 Dias
Um dos mandamentos mais conhecidos da Bíblia é amar o próximo. Jesus até diz que este é o mandamento mais importante, depois de amar a Deus. Mas quem é o nosso 'próximo' e o que significa 'amá-lo'? Neste Plano de Leitura, vamos ler sobre alguns dos ensinamentos de Jesus e alguns exemplos da vida real.
As Demandas Do Senhor - Na Oração Do Pai Nosso
16 Dias
A oração conhecida como o 'Pai Nosso', tem uma característica notada por alguns teólogos. Ela pode ser dividida, para fins de estudo, em assuntos relativos ao Senhor Deus e outros assuntos relativos ao homem. Nesta série vamos falar das Demandas do Senhor como: o Pai, os céus, a santificação e o Nome de Deus. Vamos?
Trabalho E Descanso
17 Dias
Enquanto a humanidade existir, o trabalho faz parte da vida cotidiana. O trabalho pode ser uma bênção, mas também pode ser exaustivo e difícil. Portanto, as pessoas também precisam de descanso. E o descanso é mais do que apenas "uma pausa do trabalho"; é também uma questão de paz interior. Em última análise, esse descanso só pode ser encontrado em Deus.
Our Daily Journey: A 30-Day Walk With Jesus
30 Days
Every journey requires supplies. On the journey of life, some of the best supplies are God’s Word and a bit of encouragement from friends. This Our Daily Journey reading plan features 30 days of writing from trusted authors whose insights speak into your life. Each short devotional contains a story supported by multiple Scripture references as well as a “Next” section to help you think more deeply. Make the most of your devotional time with truth and encouragement from Our Daily Journey.