Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com EFÉSIOS 4:16
7 Days
Dating . . . does the word strike anxiety or anticipation in your heart? With all the tech connectivity, it seems that it’s just made dating more complicated, confusing and frustrating than ever before. In this 7-day reading plan based on the updated and revised edition of Single. Dating. Engaged. Married. Ben Stuart will help you see that God has a purpose for this season in your life, and he offers guiding principles to help you determine who and how to date.
As Demandas Do Senhor - Na Oração Do Pai Nosso
16 Dias
A oração conhecida como o 'Pai Nosso', tem uma característica notada por alguns teólogos. Ela pode ser dividida, para fins de estudo, em assuntos relativos ao Senhor Deus e outros assuntos relativos ao homem. Nesta série vamos falar das Demandas do Senhor como: o Pai, os céus, a santificação e o Nome de Deus. Vamos?
18 Dias
Esta nota de “obrigado” aos Filipenses dá-lhes uma perspectiva alegre dos tempos difíceis em que se encontram e encoraja-os a passar por eles humildemente juntos. Viaje diariamente por Filipenses enquanto ouve o estudo em áudio e lê versículos selecionados da palavra de Deus.
21 Days in Ephesians
21 Days
Ephesians is rich with truths about God and his saving work in us. This plan is designed to help you dig deeper into this text, while learning more about God and yourself. The daily six step rhythm will help you to establish a habit of reading and engaging with God’s Word. This plan is brought to you by the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). Learn more at
Better Together
24 Days
There’s no way you can be all God wants you to be and fulfill the purposes that you were put on this planet to fulfill without any help. We need each other, and we belong to each other in the Body of Christ! In this series, Pastor Rick explains how to do life in relationship to other people.
28 Dias
Das belas alturas do que Deus deseja para seus filhos, a carta aos Efésios explica como andar na graça, na paz e no amor de Deus. Viaje diariamente por Efésios enquanto ouve o estudo em áudio e lê versículos selecionados da palavra de Deus.
Our Daily Journey: A 30-Day Walk With Jesus
30 Days
Every journey requires supplies. On the journey of life, some of the best supplies are God’s Word and a bit of encouragement from friends. This Our Daily Journey reading plan features 30 days of writing from trusted authors whose insights speak into your life. Each short devotional contains a story supported by multiple Scripture references as well as a “Next” section to help you think more deeply. Make the most of your devotional time with truth and encouragement from Our Daily Journey.