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Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com DEUTERONÓMIO 32:4
What is Biblical Justice?
4 Days
There has been a lot of attention on the term justice right now, and rightfully so. Justice is critical for a society to thrive. But many people dismiss justice because they don’t know what it means. However, there is a correct view of justice that seeks to protect individual liberty and promote individual responsibility. In this 4-day reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans will examine authentic biblical justice.
Adamant With Lisa Bevere
6 Days
What is truth? Culture is buying the lie that truth is a river, ebbing and flowing with the passage of time. But truth is not a river—it is a rock. And in a raging sea of opinions, this plan will help anchor your soul—giving you a clear sense of direction in a wandering world.