Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com COLOSSENSES 3:23
Commit Your Work to the Lord
4 Days
Join David Villa in his latest devotional as he discusses the profound implications that committing our work to the Lord has for our lives.
GOD + GOALS: How To Set Goals As A Christian
5 Days
Is it okay to set goals as a Christian? How do you know if a goal is from God or yourself? And what do Christian goals look like, anyway? In this 5-day reading plan, you'll dig into the Word and find clarity and direction on setting grace-fueled goals!
Living Changed: Purpose
5 Days
Have you ever wondered what God created you to do or asked Him why you’ve been through certain experiences? You were uniquely created for a custom-built role that only you can fill. Even if you feel lost, or you’re hesitant to move, this 5-day plan will help you trust God, so He can lead you to your purpose.
Treinador 3D: Um Devocional da FCA para Treinadores
5 dias
Dr. Jeff Duke treinou atletas e treinadores durante mais de 40 anos. Ele é o autor do best seller “3D Coach: Capturing the Heart Behind the Jersey” (Treinador 3D: Capturando o Coração por Trás da Camisola), em que partilha em primeira mão a verdade poderosa que ele tem experimentado no mundo dos treinadores.
Finding Rest In A Busy World
9 Days
There’s no getting around the fact that we live in an always-spinning world. We yearn for quietness in our souls – but, often, that deep rest seems out of our reach. Or is it? In the next few days, let’s spend a few minutes peeking into the home of Mary and Martha in Bethany. Two sisters who loved God – but demonstrated that love in completely different ways. From the little incident in Luke where Jesus visits the two sisters, as well as other Scripture portions, let’s learn to truly find rest in Him alone.
Holy Hustle: Embrace A Work-Hard, Rest-Well Life
10 Days
Balance. It's what we long for in our lives as we hear shouts of "work harder!" in one ear, and whispers to "rest more" in the other. What if God's plan for us isn't just one way or the other? Enter holy hustle—a lifestyle of working hard and resting well in ways that honor God.
Business With God
12 Days
Punch greed in the face with reckless love! God is eager to display his love, goodness, and wisdom for all of heaven and earth to see. Dive into God’s desire to use business to supernaturally touch physical and spiritual poverty and bring the abundance of His kingdom to earth.
Venha O Teu Reino (Sisterhood Portugal)
12 Dias
O devocional da Sisterhood Portugal, "Venha O Teu Reino" criado para alinhar o nosso coração com o coração de Deus e mobilizar a nossa "Irmandade Feminina" para o Dia Sisterhood United.
Finding Your Financial Path
28 Days
This reading guide was created by NewSpring staff and volunteers to help you on your financial journey. Read one devotional each day and spend time with God using the Scripture, questions and prayers provided. Need help putting God first in your finances? Download free monthly and/or weekly budget forms, watch sermons, and be encouraged by success stories at
The Legacy Journey
31 Days
Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. Following his own bankruptcy at age 30, Dave set out to learn God’s ways of handling money. Dave now devotes himself to teaching others how to take control of their money so they can live and give like never before. Over the next 31 days, Dave will guide you through what the Bible has to say about money and wealth and how to live and leave a legacy for generations to come.