Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com ATOS DOS APÓSTOLOS 9:4

Jesus, I Need You! Prayer
3 Days
Do you deeply feel your need for Jesus? This three-day plan for prayer is designed to enhance your time alone with Him and help you cry out to Him. It also serves as a companion prayer to the eight-part "Jesus, I Need You" series by Thistlebend Ministries.

Of Freedom and Forgiveness
5 Days
Forgiveness is a process. It takes time, costly and hard. It is restoring of relationships by releasing a painful past with an attitude of love. Nothing keeps us in bondage to the past as much as our unwillingness to forgive. Refusal to forgive leads to bitterness of the soul. Forgiveness is freedom from bitterness and the propensity to get even. It reopens the future of new beginnings – a restart.

Sharing Your Faith
5 Days
When we become followers of Jesus, we begin a lifelong journey of growth. A part of growing in our faith is learning how to share the good news about Jesus with other people. In this 5-day Plan, we’ll learn how to share the hope and peace we have in Christ—and how that could change someone's life!

Begin Again
7 Days
New Year. A New Day. God created these transitions to remind us that He is the God of New Beginnings. If God can speak the world into existence, He can certainly speak into the darkness of your life, creating for you a new beginning. Don’t you just love fresh starts! Just like this reading plan. Enjoy!

Six Steps To Your Best Leadership
7 Days
Ready to grow as a leader? Craig Groeschel unpacks six biblical steps anyone can take to become a better leader. Discover a discipline to start, courage to stop, a person to empower, a system to create, a relationship to initiate, and the risk you need to take.

Imperfect People in the Bible
7 Days
Whether you’ve messed up a little or a lot by human standards, you’re a prime candidate to be used by God. In this 7-day Plan, we’ll learn about six individuals from the Bible whom God used despite where they came from, what their capabilities were, or how colossal their mistakes were.

His Great Sacrifice, Our Great Commission
10 Days
Travel a different road that leads to Easter this year. Start your journey with global missionaries in the Middle East and navigate the sights and sounds that will help you experience Easter from a whole new perspective. Experience anew why Jesus came to this earth--to save the souls of mankind.

Amiga Bíblia - Comentário Devocional – Filipenses (Portugal)
11 Dias
Este plano foi feito para você! Este plano é um Comentário Bíblico Devocional baseado no livro: “Amiga Bíblia”. Contém explicações práticas de versículo a versículo, para a ajudar a ler, entender o texto e aplicá-lo à sua vida. Desejo que a “Amiga Bíblia” seja a sua Melhor Amiga! Comece hoje a estudar a Palavra de Deus.

Como Lidar Com Tribulação E Sofrimento
18 Dias
O apóstolo Paulo diz aos seus leitores: “...que era preciso passar muitos sofrimentos até entrar no reino de Deus.” (Atos 14:22). Lendo o livro de Atos ou ouvindo testemunhos de cristãos de todo o mundo, essas palavras são comprovadas como verdadeiras. Os crentes enfrentam oposição e perseguição. Talvez, até mesmo na sua vida, esteja a experimentar aflição. Neste plano de leitura, queremos incentivá-lo e ensiná-lo a lidar com a aflição.