Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com ATOS DOS APÓSTOLOS 2:45

O pastor (S1-E9)
4 Dias
Este plano de leitura leva-o a percorrer alguns dos temas que surgiram na parte de "Os Escolhidos >> O pastor". Reflita, mergulhe na Bíblia e desfrute do que Jesus tem para lhe dizer.

Not Afraid: How Christians Can Respond to Crises
5 Days
When a crisis happens in our world, it’s easy to question our faith, and it’s hard to replace the panic we face with the peace we’re promised as Jesus-followers. In this 5-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Not Afraid, we’ll discover three things we can do as Christians in the face of a crisis.

Hope During A Global Pandemic
5 Days
These are unprecedented times for those of us who are alive on planet earth at this moment. Historically, we can find hope if we turn to the One who made it all and is Lord of all. What does the Bible say about why these things happen, what is God’s response to it, and what is my hope in life and death?

Explorando o Livro de Atos: A comunidade missional
6 Dias
Explore o Livro de Atos em um plano de 6 dias e descubra como a vida comunitária da igreja primitiva, movida pelo Espírito Santo, é consistente com a sua missão. Experimente a integração entre o “ser” e o “agir” em fé, e aprenda com os exemplos de comunhão e de “unidade na diversidade” para vivenciar hoje uma jornada cristã mais rica e integrada.

Divine Direction
7 Days
Every day, we make choices that shape our life story. What would your life look like if you became an expert at making those choices? In the Divine Direction Bible Plan, New York Times bestselling author and Senior Pastor of Life.Church, Craig Groeschel, encourages you with seven principles from his Divine Direction book to help you find God’s wisdom for your daily decisions. Discover the spiritual direction you need to live a God-honoring story you’ll love to tell.

Better Together: Seeking God With Others
7 Days
God never intended for us to live life alone. In order to be more like Him, we need other Christ followers around us. Whether you have an incredible community around you or haven’t found it yet, this Plan will encourage you to go deeper with the people you do life with and learn how we can be better together.

The Role of the Church in Cultural Clashes
4 days
How is it possible that racism and inequity ravage our culture? Look at the sheer number of churches. There are approximately over 300,000 churches in America. That’s 300,000 sermons, worship services and gatherings week to week. But why aren’t we witnessing more impact in the culture? In this 4-day reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans will discuss the true church and how it can impact our culture for good.

7 Days
We are going to find what it means to live for Jesus in a distracted world. This world is running at a hundred miles per hour, and we have more information in our hands than we can handle. Is that the nature of this modern world? How do we slow down in such a fast-paced environment? Psalm 27:4 has the answer – ONE THING, with Ps Andrew Cartledge.

When Faith Fails: 10 Days Of Finding God In The Shadow Of Doubt
10 Days
Wrestling with faith and doubt can be profoundly lonely and isolating. Some suffer in silence while others abandon belief altogether, assuming doubt is incompatible with faith. Dominic Done believes this is both tragic and deeply mistaken. He uses Scripture and literature to argue that not only is questioning normal but it is often a path toward a rich and vibrant faith. Explore faith and doubt in this 10-day plan.

Our Daily Bread - Bible Basics
12 Days
Are you curious about the Bible? Is any of it even relevant for today? The Bible Basics devotional provides you with an overview of the Bible and will demonstrate how the Old and New Testament books fit together. You will discover spiritual insights that will speak to your heart today and understand why the Bible has become an enduring and influential book. .