Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com 2 CORÍNTIOS 1:3
4 Days
Suffering is a fundamental part of the Christian faith (2 Timothy 3:12), and your godly response to it grows through encountering God and meditating on His Word. The following verses, when memorized, can encourage you toward a godly response to suffering.
All Things New
5 Days
In this journey through the Book of 2 Corinthians, All Things New explores Paul's theology of adventurous faith in this world and God's call for us to be bold. Kelly Minter helps us understand how the Christian walk may seem contrary to our natural tendencies, but it proves to be infinitely and eternally better. In this 5-day reading plan, you'll explore issues such as: how to deal with difficult relationships, trusting God with your reputation, grounding your identity in Christ, understanding the purpose of suffering and God's provision in it, and how we are to be gospel lights in the world.
Living Changed: Forgiveness
6 Days
Many of us are walking around, nursing wounds from the things people have said or done. We continuously struggle under the weight of that baggage because we’re unwilling or unsure how to forgive. This plan isn’t about letting someone off the hook or making others feel better. It’s for you. It’s about learning how to forgive so that you can heal, find freedom from your past, and begin living changed.
A God Who Is Faithful
7 Days
With insights and devotions drawn from The Jesus Bible , this seven-day reading plan provides examples of God staying true to his covenants throughout the Bible. During this week, you will be inspired by the mercy of God and faithfulness of Jesus to remember to uphold your own promises to God.
The Louder Song: Listening for Hope in the Midst of Pain, Anxiety, Grief, Doubt, and Lament
7 days
If you’re struggling—emotionally, physically, relationally, or spiritually—or walking with someone who is, this seven-day study will be a balm to your weary soul. Looking at the lives of David, Hannah, Jeremiah, and other biblical lamenters, you will discover the power of God’s presence with you in your heartache. God speaks a better word and sings a louder song than the noise of your pain and suffering.
Do Not Worry
7 Days
Let us remember that Jesus himself spoke to his disciples saying, “In the world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” In general, as children of God, we are not exempt from affliction, trouble, or trial. We have a victorious life, but that does not stop us from going through grief as Paul taught. How we react to trials speaks louder than what we preach.
O Que Tem a Fé Para Oferecer a Empreendedores Em Momentos De Crise?
7 Dias
No mundo do empreendedorismo, estamos muitas vezes sob pressão. Isto leva-nos a pensar: como empreendedores, como lidamos com estas circunstâncias, e qual é o valor adicional da fé cristã nestas alturas de pressão e de crise?
Superando O Luto Com Esperança E Cura
7 Dias
"Há um tempo para tudo... tempo de chorar e tempo de rir, tempo de prantear e tempo de dançar." Eclesiastes 3:1-4 . Este plano de sete dias foi desenvolvido para aqueles que estão passando pelo processo de luto e precisam encontrar conforto, esperança e força em Deus. A Bíblia nos ensina que o luto faz parte da vida. Aceitar a realidade da perda é o primeiro passo para a cura. Deus acolhe nossas lágrimas e está conosco em meio ao luto. Reconhecer e expressar a dor é essencial. Negar a dor prolonga o sofrimento. Permita-se sentir.
7 Days
Depression can affect anyone of any age for any number of reasons. This seven-day plan will guide you to the Counselor. Quiet your mind and heart as you read the Bible and you will discover peace, strength, and everlasting love. For more content, check out
Seek God Through It
10 Days
Depression. Anxiety. Triggers and traumatic events take a mental, emotional, and spiritual toll on us. During these times seeking God seems difficult and redundant. The plan, "Seek God Through It" aims to encourage and teach you how to be proactive in the presence of God so you may experience the peace of God, no matter your situation.
Handling Grief
10 Days
When someone we love dies, we often feel many different emotions. In this 10-day devotional, learn how to handle grief when our loved ones go to be with the Lord. These are lessons that the Lord has been teaching me after my beloved wife went home to be with the Lord at the end of June 2021.
14 Days
It's time to leave fear behind, move forward in faith, and embrace the adventure. Through this 14-day reading plan, you will strengthen your faith in a good God and learn to live in the joyful freedom of complete trust in Him even in the face of unexpected circumstances.
Como Lidar Com Tribulação E Sofrimento
18 Dias
O apóstolo Paulo diz aos seus leitores: “...que era preciso passar muitos sofrimentos até entrar no reino de Deus.” (Atos 14:22). Lendo o livro de Atos ou ouvindo testemunhos de cristãos de todo o mundo, essas palavras são comprovadas como verdadeiras. Os crentes enfrentam oposição e perseguição. Talvez, até mesmo na sua vida, esteja a experimentar aflição. Neste plano de leitura, queremos incentivá-lo e ensiná-lo a lidar com a aflição.
2 Coríntios
20 Dias
As alegrias dos relacionamentos dentro do corpo de Cristo são destacadas na segunda carta aos Coríntios enquanto você ouve o estudo em áudio e lê versículos selecionados da palavra de Deus. Viaje diariamente por 2 Coríntios enquanto ouve o estudo em áudio e lê versículos selecionados da palavra de Deus.
What Is God Like? A 21-Day Reading Plan
21 Days
What is God like? It’s a big question but an important one. What we understand about God will determine how we relate to Him. The more we know about God, the better our relationship will be. God reveals who He is throughout the Bible. Every name for God tells us something about Him. Reflect on God’s character for the next 21 days and see how your love for Him grows.
Our Daily Journey: A 30-Day Walk With Jesus
30 Days
Every journey requires supplies. On the journey of life, some of the best supplies are God’s Word and a bit of encouragement from friends. This Our Daily Journey reading plan features 30 days of writing from trusted authors whose insights speak into your life. Each short devotional contains a story supported by multiple Scripture references as well as a “Next” section to help you think more deeply. Make the most of your devotional time with truth and encouragement from Our Daily Journey.