Planos de Leitura e Devocionais gratuitos relacionados com 1 TESSALONICENSES 4:4
How to Save Sex for Marriage?
3 Days
Whenever someone asks us if we believe in premarital sex we respond by saying “yes and no.” It’s a confusing answer at first, but it gives us an opportunity to make an important point. God affirms our sexuality as human beings and we can’t suddenly become asexual. For this reason, we believe in premarital sexuality. We are quick to follow up, however, by saying that having genital sex before marriage is clearly not in line with God’s principles.
The Fruit Of The Spirit
6 Days
God’s Holy Spirit develops and displays His Fruit in us when we give our lives to God. When we follow Him, He begins to do in and through us what only He can do: make us like Jesus. In this Plan, we’ll dive into each aspect of the Fruit of the Spirit as well as learn how to live our lives led by Him.
Destino Ou Escolhas?
6 dias
A vida real não é como um jogo de consola que se pode recomeçar, pular em alguma fase e mudar o final. Que mudanças pode fazer agora para se tornar quem quer ser daqui a um ano? O nosso futuro não é um acontecimento, mas fruto da nossa escolha. Neste plano, vamos dar passos espirituais, novas práticas que irá explorar para se tornar a pessoa que deseja ser.
7 Attributes Of God
7 Days
How has God shown his love, or his power? The Jesus Bible showcases the ways in which God communicated with us, his creations, through Jesus Christ in both the Old and New Testaments. This 7-day reading plan illuminates the characteristics of God to help deepen your understanding and awe of his gifts.
A God Who Is Faithful
7 Days
With insights and devotions drawn from The Jesus Bible , this seven-day reading plan provides examples of God staying true to his covenants throughout the Bible. During this week, you will be inspired by the mercy of God and faithfulness of Jesus to remember to uphold your own promises to God.
Seu Futuro, Fruto Da Sua Escolha
7 Dias
Nunca se esqueça que o nosso futuro não é um acontecimento. O futuro é sempre fruto da nossa escolha, por isso devemos aprender a lidar com os imprevistos da vida. Todos nós temos objetivos, planos, sonhos e esperanças para o nosso futuro. Coisas que queremos começar ou talvez parar de fazer, contudo, eu sempre me pergunto: Como vou chegar lá?
God's Design For Sex
5 Days
Money handlers at the Treasury learn to spot counterfeit bills by familiarizing themselves with intricate patterns found in the real thing. Likewise, understanding the brokenness of sexual sin begins with God’s design for authentic sexual intimacy. The sacredness of human sexuality transcends the physical act itself. It reflects God’s holiness, His relationship within the Trinity, and His desire to conform your body, soul, and mind to the image of Christ.
1 Tessalonicenses
15 Dias
“Vocês ouviram que Jesus está voltando?” - esse é o lembrete nesta primeira carta aos Tessalonicenses, que desafia todos a “se destacarem ainda mais” na fé, na esperança e no amor. Viaje diariamente por 1 Tessalonicenses enquanto ouve o estudo em áudio e lê versículos selecionados da palavra de Deus.