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Luka 7

An o foro Kapernaum
1Un pal ko rakepen djas lo an o foro Kapernaum. 2An ko foro djiwas i pralstuno lurdo. Les his i budepaskro, kai ap o merepen tchiddo hi. Kowa his leske bud moldo. 3Un ko lurdo shunas, kai o Jesus an o foro hi. Un job bitchras i biboldengre phureden pash o Jesuseste, te mangenn le les, te well lo pash leste, un te krell lo o budepaskres sasto. 4Un jon wan pash o Jesuseste, un mangan les, un penan ap leste: “Kau pralstuno lurdo hi moldo, te kress leskro budepaskres sasto. 5Job hi menge latches un kras menge i kheer, kai mangah o Debles an.”
6Koi djas o Jesus lentsa.
Har job ap o drom his, bitchras ko pralstuno lurdo peskre malen pash leste, te penenn le leske: “Ma kre tuke o drom, te wess pash mande! 7Witar gar hom moldo, te wap me pash tute. Te peneh tu jek lab, jaake well miro budepaskro sasto.
8Jaake har me ninna hunte shunap ap mire pralstunende, jaake hi man ninna lurde, kai hunte krenn, hoi me penau. Me te penau ap jekeste: Dja koi! palle djal lo. Me te penau ap i wawareste: Am kai! palle well lo. Me te penau ap miro budepaskro: Kre kowa! palle krell job kowa.”
9Har o Jesus kowa shunas, kras job bare jaka. Un job rissras pes trujel, un penas ap kolende, kai leha djan: “Me penau tumenge: Sawo patsepen hatsom me gar an o tselo them Israel.”
10Har kol bitchepangre o pralstuno lurdestar khere wan, his ko budepaskro sasto.
O Jesus krella i mules djido
11Ap o wawar diwes djas o Jesus an o foro Nain. Peskre mala un bud wawar djan leha. 12Un jon wan pash o baro wudar kau forestar. Un i menshe hidjran i mules dran o foro win. Kowa his o tchawo i djuwjatar, kolakro rom meras. Un lat his ninna kek wawar tchawe. Un bud menshe djan lah. 13Un o Jesus dikas lat, un leskro dji dukas. Un job penas ap late: “Ma rob!”
14Un job djas pash o mochton#7:14 mochton sarko, kista , un tchiwas peskro wast ap leste. Un kolla, kai o mochton hidjran, atchan tardo. Un job penas: “Terno mursh, me penau tuke: Ste pre!”
15Un o djipen was pale an leste. Un job hadas pes pre, un rakras. Un o Jesus das les leskri date pale.
16Koi was i traash pral lauterende. Un jon sharan o Debles un penan: “I baro Debleskro rakepaskro hi mashkral mende. O Dewel was pash peskre menshende.”
17Un an o tselo them Judea shunan le, hoi o Jesus kras. Un an i wawar themma, kote shunan le kowa ninna.
O Jesus rakrell mishto pral o Johanneste
18Un har o Johanni lauter kowa peskre malendar shunas, das lo dujen lendar pash peste gole, 19un bitchras len pash o Jesuseste, te putchenn le les: “Hal tu kowa, kai hunte well? Hunte dikas mer ap i wawareste, te well lo?”
20Un jon wan pash o Jesuseste, un penan: “O Johanni, kowa, kai taufras i menshen, kamell tutar te djinell: Hal tu kowa, kai hunte wella? Hunte dikas mer ap i wawareste, te well lo?”
21Ap kau tsiro kras o Jesus bud menshen sasto, kai nasselo un korelo hi, ninna kolen, kai benga an lende hi. 22Un job penas o Johanneskre malenge: “Penenn o Johanneske, hoi tumer dikan un shunan: I korele nai dikenn pale. Un i bange nai djan pale. I nassele, kai lengro mass ap lende tele merell, wenna sasto. Kolla, kai nai shunan gar, nai shunenna pale. I mule wenna djido. Un i tchorwele shunenn o Debleskro latcho lab.
23Bachtelo hi kowa, kai choirell pes gar pral mande.”
24Har kol mursha, kolen o Johanni bitchras, penge djan, rakras o Jesus pral o Johanneste ap i menshende, un penas: “Hoske djan tumer an o mulo them? Kaman tumer i murshes te dikell, kai hi har i patri, hoi i sorelo ducho pral i phub phurdella? Na-a, sawo mursh hi lo gar. 25Koon kaman tumer te dikell? Kaman tumer i murshes te dikell, kai an kutch koola rido hi? Na-a, sawo mursh hi lo witar gar. Me penau tumenge: Kolla, kai riwenn raile koola, un djiwenn i shukar djipen, kolla djiwenna an i rajengre bare khera. 26Koon kaman tumer te dikell? Kaman tumer i Debleskro rakepaskro te dikell? Awa, kowa hi o Johanni. Un me penau tumenge: Job hi bareder har i Debleskro rakepaskro.
27Kolestar hi tchinlo an o Debleskro lab: O Dewel penas ap peskro tchaweste: Me bitchrau i murshes glan tute ap o drom, te krell lo tuke i drom, te nai wess pash i menshende.
28Me penau tumenge: Kek was boldo ap kai phub, kai hi bareder har o Johanni. Me penau tumenge ninna: O tikneder kolendar, kai patsenn ap mande un mukenn man pengro rai te well, kowa hi bareder har o Johanni.
29Kolla, kai shunan les, un ninna kol bibolde, kai lenn lowe i Remarjenge dren, dan o Debles tchatches, un mukan pen o Johannestar te taufrell. 30Kol Farisarja un kol biboldengre tchatchepangre, kran o Debleskro lab penge tchitcheske. Jon mukan pen gar o Johannestar te taufrell.”
31Un o Jesus penas: “Me penau tumenge, har i menshe ap kau tsiro hi.
32Jon hi har kol tchawe, kai khelenn an o foro, un denn gole jek ap o wawareste: Mer bashram tumenge. Tumer khelan gar. Mer giwam mulengre gilja. Tumer rowan gar.
33O Johanni, kowa, kai taufras i menshen, chas kek maro, un pijas kek mool. Lestar penan tumer: An koleste hi i beng.
34Un me, o Mensheskro Tchawo, me wom, chom un pijom, un mandar penenn tumer: Kawa hi i chapaskro un i pipaskro. Kawa hi i maal kolendar, kai lenn i biboldendar lowe i Remarjenge dren, un i maal kol wawarendar, kai tchilatcho koowa kran un doleske ninna pale-tchiddo hi.
35Me penau tumenge: O Debleskro goswepen dikenn tumer ap kolende, kai djiwenn koi pal.”
O Jesus chal pash i Farisareste
36Un i Farisari, – leskro lab hi Simon, – mangas o Jesuses: “Ab pash mande te chal!” Un o Jesus djas an leskro kheer, un beshas pes tele, te chal lo leha khetne.
37Kote his i djuwel an kau foro, koja kras djungelo koowa un hi pale-tchiddo. Un joi shunas, te hi o Jesus an ko kheer. Un joi las i tushni, kai kutch djet dren hi, un was an kau kheer. 38Un joi his tardo pal o Jesuseste un rowas. Un lakre swa#7:38 swa, ap gadjkenes: Tränen kran leskre pire sapenes. Un joi khossas len peskre ballentsa. Un joi tchumras leskre pire, un makas len o kutch djeteha dren.
39Har o Farisari kowa lauter dikas, penas lo ap peste kokres: “Te wals kau rom tchatchepah i Debleskro rakepaskro, hunte djinals lo, hawi djuwel les an-tapras. Job hunte djinals, te hi li pale-tchiddo.”
40Koi penas o Jesus ap leste: “Simon, me hunte penap tuke tchomone.”
“Sikepaskro, pen les mange!” penas lo.
41Koi penas o Jesus: “Dui kran sijaan pash i rajeste kai lowe win patsella. Ko jekes his pantch-sheel (500) rupene beme sijaan, ko wawares pantch-deesh (50). 42Har jon pengro sijaan gar nai plaissran, kamas ko rai kol lowe lendar buder gar pale te lell. Koon kol dujendar kamas o rajes budeder?”
43Penas o Simon leske: “Me patsau, kowa, kai les budeder sijaan his.”
Penas o Jesus: “Tiro hi tchatcho.”
44Un o Jesus rissras pes trujel, dikas ap koi djuwjate, un penas ap o Simoneste: “Dik ap koi djuwjate, un ap kowa, hoi joi mange kras! Me wom an tiro kheer. Un tu dal man kek pani, te nai thowom mire pire. Lakre swa kran mire pire sapenes, un joi khossas len peskre ballentsa. 45Tu dal man kek tchum. Joi tchumras mire pire jaake rah har joi koi hi. 46Tu makal gar miro shero kutch djeteha dren. Joi makas mire pire kutch djeteha dren. 47Un me penau tuke kanna: Lakri bari doosh#7:47 doosh sinda, shulta hi latar krik lino. Doleske kamell li man o tselo djijeha. Koneske gar bud doosh krik lino wella, kowa kamell man gar i tselo djijeha.”
48Un o Jesus penas ap late: “Tiri doosh hi tutar krik lino.”
49Kolla, kai koi pashel beshdo hi, penan ap pende: “Koon hi kau mursh, kai nai lell i doosh i menshendar krik?”
50O Jesus penas ap late: “Tu patseh ap mande. Doleske hi tiri doosh tutar krik lino. Dja mo Debleha!”

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Luka 7: Sint2021





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