Maththa 13
Thokkwie lon kuru ncik thopul ipee mïl
(Markkoc 4.1–9; Lukka 8.4–8)
1Nocaꞌri cen oIeccuo poingkathe ntuan akwothikkat cik nokuthut korue irapangka toCelïl akwongkene. 2Acungkut coul oppakat iccik kung akwarrat ikuppuꞌrung konoiꞌri akwikkat cik, ana ul wokat cik acoꞌro nokuthut korue irapangka appik. 3Ana kwerekanthet kin lon loppot nthokkwie lon kuru ncik akwiꞌret kin itti, “Pul pokkwon peot itti pathee mïl. 4Anakka kwokat cik akwee mïl, amꞌrek apukkat ikathar auꞌrupe akkakat acumat ncik appik. 5Amꞌrek apukkat nocapu iconat kꞌrimi ikonat nünthü notte noꞌra wen ana mummathe cokoccokot akka mokat noꞌrpu. 6Anaruk akka cïngkï cuat, cokꞌrekathe ana millekathe akka mellat laka ippu. 7Amïl mꞌrek apukkat ithoꞌrkït tholï ana lï locokkakathe alonentekat cik amillekat. 8Anaruk amꞌrek apukkat nocapu icoporot, na mokwonathe mïl mipiet kicce, amꞌrek ipiekat kït ken arrial ukuluk (100) ana amꞌrek arrial wꞌrapuruk (60) ana amꞌrek arrial ana alkaire (30) nomïl imokat merat. 9Okkwi iponu unu itti kwaccïkot akwoccïkot.”
Lon ila oIeccuo perenet nthokkwie lon kuru ncik
(Markkoc 4.10–12; Lukka 8.9–10)
10Ul wung iammakothok wakkakanthok ana wipittathok itti, “Ngkwerene ul nthokkwie lon kuru ncik akaintha?”
11Ana kwothïanthet kin tit itti, “Lon lothina ngili ngorothiꞌrot ilamuꞌruttakot ncik lettathenon ana lakannettat kin. 12Ana okkwion ithaccïkot lon lin, okin tharttakinthet nan, okin thina lon loppot. Anaruk okkwion ithaik thakannoccïkot lon lin, thanekittat thinaik ithakin thonu thotte. 13Ilen akka anerenekin nthokkwie lon kuru ncik amma anerenekin akka okin thakathacceik akin ikkoik ere okin thakinnimmaik ana akin occïkot lon akin ikkoik ere okin thakannoccïkot lon lꞌrek ana ina lon len.
14Lon ila pul pothernte lon loKapik ipoccot kꞌran itti oIccaia perethe ul ngngin maꞌrot lokakathe nakin ïcat ila kwiꞌret itti,
‘Onon thaccïkot cik anaruk onon thakinninaik,
onon thakathacceik anaruk onon thakinnimmaik.
15Akka mïkït moul enni monthomat
ana unu wen wakannoccïkot cik
ana okin thoꞌrumothe kït.
Akka amma okonnoka ittina okin thaimmat cik ngkït ken
ana occïkot cik nunu wen
ana inaik nti ima men
ana oprttakoik ana mpathikkiekin thoporot.’#Iccaia 6.9
16Anaruk kït kon kethïettat akka kakathacce cik, ana unu won wethïettat akka waccïkot cik. 17Akka mpiꞌret non lon ilaik ïcat itti, ul woppot wothernte lon loKapik womaꞌrot ana ul ioporot tokït koKapik wokat akwantot kathar ikakin imma lon ngngin ila non thaik thakathacce inenni anaruk okin thakinniot, ana othakka itti akin occïkot lon ilanon thaik thaccïkot inenni, anaruk okin thakannoccïkot.”
OIeccuo pakene lon lothokkwie lon kuru thopul ipee
(Markkoc 4.13–20; Lukka 8.11–15)
18Ana kwikkatheik akwere itti, “Noccïkot lon lothokkwie lon kuru ncik lopul ipet mïl lonu lon len itti tat. 19Amma pul pꞌrek poccïkothe lon longili ngorothiꞌrot ana kwakinnina kicce, pul pothopulut panthan ana panekothok lon ilokat liꞌrikot nocïkït cung. Lon elli locïl icapothe ikathar. 20Lon locïl icapothe nokꞌrimi lonu itti pul ipaccïkot lon loKapik accokkot akwopirakat noka nocaꞌri cen. 21Anaruk akka lon len lakinniꞌriko ci nocïkït, lintat cik nomaꞌri motte. Amma lon lꞌrek lainok ilokithak ana thokkiettat thiak nti ithoccïkot lon loKapik, kwapaꞌrine lon len cik accokkot. 22Lon locïl icapothe ithoꞌrkït tholï lungkwiettat mpul ipaccïkot lon anaruk thirro cïkït nti icarak tholon lothikkoik ana thammikkot thothaꞌrathan thakorronno lon lung iliꞌrikot nocïkït alella ngre cik. 23Anaruk lon locïl icapothe nocapu icoporot lungkwiettat mpul ipaccïkot lon ana ina kicce. Kwarttot nolon ila kwoccïkothe arrial ukuluk (100) ana arrial wꞌrapuruk (60) ana arrial ana alkaire (30).”
Thokkwie lon kuru ncik thorakkaa
24OIeccuo pappererekanthet kin lon lothokkwie lon kuru ncik lꞌrek akwiꞌrekat kin itti, “Ngili ngorothiꞌrot ngungkot pul ipeet mïl imoporot ikkwon kung. 25Anaruk akka ul wonokworok wokat inthe ngkoꞌra, apul ipꞌrat pul pokkwon akkakat apeekanthok takkaa ikkwon na mïl meerat apoingkat. 26Anakka mïl mummothe amoingkat ikwonco amokkwat ntit, arakkaa ummat ncik arokkwat ntit cakuruk.
27Aul iareko ikkwon akkakanthet pul pokkwon aiꞌrekathok itti, ‘Pït pïn, ikkre ngkwakannee mïl imoporot ikkwon kang akka takkaa akkummothe ikkwon.’
28Akwothïat tit itti, ‘Pul ipꞌrat lon lin akkokkinthin lon len.’
Aul iareko appipittathok itti, ‘Ngkwongothe itti onïn thaeo anïn othïthot takkaa cik appiki?’
29Akwothïat tit itti, ‘Nokorronno akka amma anon ïtho takkaa ana onon thïthot mïl cik ngngin. 30Nokorronno arocokka mmïl appik acaꞌri cothokio akkakat. Nocaꞌri cen mpiꞌret ul iakio itti, cittokït nokkuttot takkaa annïꞌrïkïkko muꞌrukul muꞌrukul arothokꞌretta, ana annaꞌrntot mïl annona itharak thin thomïl.’”
Thokkwie lon kuru ncik thocore icoththe
(Markkoc 4.30–32; Lukka 13.18–19)
31Akwapperekanthet kin lon lothokkwie lon kuru ncik lꞌrek itti, “Ngili ngorothiꞌrot ngungkot core icoththe cannan iceera nocapu. 32Antoka manna itti core icoththe nonyukul nyokira appik, anaruk amma wummothe wathakka pira pïttïk, ana uꞌrupe manna wanthan athuno nune nan ana ikkoik nouꞌri wen.”
Thokkwie lon kuru ncik thomüꞌrükül
(Lukka 13.20–21)
33Ana kwappiꞌrekat kin lon lothokkwie lon kuru ncik lꞌrek icci itti, “Ngili ngorothiꞌrot ngungkot müꞌrükül motteik ima pul ipopari porrethe imꞌre moppot amma akwokkot arrakith anakka mikkot cik aminyakat amothakkakat moppot cannan.”
34OIeccuo perenet cungkut coul lon elli appik nthokkwie lon kuru ncik, kwakanniꞌret kin lon lꞌrek ella thokkwie lon kuru ncik. 35Ittina lon lokakathe ïcat ila pul pothernte lon loKapik piꞌret itti,
“Mpere lon lin nthokkwie lon kuru ncik,
mpakene aꞌrupu iorukot ncik nciki ammakka capu cokuꞌrettat ncik.”#Mocumur 78.2
Thokene lon lothokkwie lon kuru ncik lorakkaa
36OIeccuo poththekathe noul ana kwoingkathe tuan. Ul iammakothok wakkakanthok aiꞌrekathok itti, “Okenenïn lon lothokkwie lon kuru ncik lorakkaa ikkwon.”
37Kwothïatherit itti, “Okkwi ipeet mïl imoporot ook ukul wopul iponyi. 38Kopon konu lon itti capu ncik appik ana lon itti mïl imoporot lonu itti nyukul nyongili ngorothiꞌrot. Takkaa tonu lon itti nyukul nyopul pothopulut, 39ana pul ipꞌrat lon lopul pokkwon, ook pul pothopulut ana ook ipeet takkaa. Thokio mïl thonu itti caꞌri ica luput ocothakot nan, ana lon itti ul iathokio lonu itti uꞌrupa wothothïlettat woKapik.
40Ana thïtho takkaa ana okꞌre, laka ittina amma aKapik athakkma ul amma luput locothakothe. 41Ukul wopul iponyi wathïot uꞌrupa wung wothothïlettat, athocumo okkwion ithakkiet ul lon ilokithak ana okkwion ithakkot lon ilokithak appik nti ingili ngorothiꞌrot. 42Okin tharret kin icꞌrot ithik thothothïrïn, nakin oot ana okꞌrellot kïnyït thocipit ngngeme. 43Ittina ul ioporot tokït koKapik wallio ere cothot ingili ngoththan pen. Okkwi iponu unu itti kwaccïkot, akwoccïkot.”
Thokkwie lon kuru ncik thothaꞌrathan
44“Ngili ngorothiꞌrot ngungkot thaꞌrathan thamuꞌruttakot ikkwon. Anakka pul ipareko ikkwon kopul pꞌrek piothe thaꞌrthan then ikkwon apappamuꞌruttat. Ana akka pokat popirat noka paththokettekat aꞌrupu appik akwothokero kopon ken.
45Attang, ngili ngorothiꞌrot ngungkot pul ipakette aꞌrupu paik pakwantot muccu moriꞌri imallio. 46Amma kwiothe culukku iconu cekerek crïk kwaeo ana kwothokette aꞌrupu appik ia kwonu akwathokero cuccu cen coriꞌri icallio.”
Thokkwie lon kuru ncik tholoꞌrak lape
47“Ana cakuruk, ngili ngorothiꞌrot ngungkot loꞌrak lape ilorrettathe irue irapangka aiꞌriththa ape ncik kurekkurek appik. 48Anakka ape wiꞌriththat woppot, aul woloꞌrak othat loꞌrak nocarkan. Akin ikkat cik akin ocumo ape ioporot akin ipot inyalünthüng akin orre iokithak. 49Laka ittina nocaꞌri ica luput ocothakot nan nocapu ncik appik. Uꞌrupa wothothïlettat woKapik wanthan ana wathopetto iul iokithak nti iul ioporot tokït koKapik 50arret icꞌrot cothik thothothïrïn na akin oot ana okꞌrellot kïnyït thocipit.”
51AIeccuo ipittat kin itti, “Onon thina lon elli appiki?”
Akin othïat tit itti, “Ïï.”
52Kwiꞌrekathekin itti, “Pul ipangkene lon lothonceꞌret lon cik ipongkenettat lon longili ngorothiꞌrot paik ere pul pokaman ipana thaꞌrathan thung thapat ithie ana ithïpe ithokat thaꞌrantakothe athothongkenetta opilingon.”
Ul woNaccir wꞌrat oIeccuo
(Markkoc 6.1–6; Lukka 4.16–30)
53Anakka oIeccuo pomarttot lon lothokkwie lon kuru ncik len, kwoththekathe nokaꞌran ken. 54Anakka kwokat cik akweo nokaꞌran koNaccir na kupokkothe, kwikkatheik akwappongkene ul nocuththun caꞌrama cen, ana okin thoprttakatherit. Akin ipittat itti, “Pul empi ponat thinaik nti ica enthi ngkartha? Ana puꞌran pothokkot lon ilommaththik elli ngkeren? 55Okorronno oka ukul enni wopul ipaccatha oꞌreni? Ana okorronno oka onnan iponu kꞌran itti oMeriomi, ana okorronno oka opangon ithonu ꞌran itti oIakup ana oIuccip ana oCcamaan ana oIouthai? 56Okorronno oka opangon ithari enthi cene uraththungoni? Pul empi piothe lon elli kartha appik?” 57Ittina ul wꞌrakathe lon lung ila kwokat cik akwokkot.
Anaruk oIeccuo piꞌrekathekin itti, “Pul pothernte lon loKapik paul wothanung ana wonoththok pung akkakorronno othiane cik tulluk.”
58Ana kwakannokkat lon ilommaththik loppot nokaꞌran ken akka okin thellat thoccokot lon nomïkït.
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Maththa 13: Lumun

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