Proverbs 22:9-16
Proverbs 22:9-16 TPT
When you are generous to the poor, you are enriched with blessings in return. Say goodbye to a troublemaker and you’ll say goodbye to quarrels, strife, tension, and arguments, for a troublemaker traffics in shame. The Lord loves those whose hearts are holy, and he is the friend of those whose ways are pure. God passionately watches over his deep reservoir of revelation-knowledge, but he subverts the lies of those who pervert the truth. A slacker always has an excuse for not working— like “I can’t go to work. There’s a lion outside! And murderers too!” Sex with an adulteress is like falling into the abyss. Those under God’s curse jump right in to their own destruction. Although rebellion is woven into a young man’s heart, tough discipline can make him into a man. There are two kinds of people headed toward poverty: those who exploit the poor and those who bribe the rich.