Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalm 37:25

Hate Your Job? Do These 4 Things
4 Days
I’ll never forget the pain of being trapped in a job I hated. I felt overlooked, passed by, and like I was on a dead-end career path. No one around me saw the gifts that God had placed in me and my situation felt hopeless. This plan outlines the 4 Biblical actions steps I took during that painful season of being stuck in a job I hated.

Fathers And Sons
5 days
God wants fathers to be the priest, prophet and king of their households, as well as an example for their sons. Angus Buchan encourages fathers to nourish, protect and develop the relationships they have with their sons. Through this an important family bond is strengthened, which has a significant impact on society at large.

How God Provides for You
5 Days
God promises to provide for His children, but often His provision comes in ways we do not expect. This 5-Day Bible Plan from Evangelist Matt Brown will help you see how God wants to care for, and provide for you.

Bricklayers 5
5 Days
After 70 years of exile, the Jewish people return to Israel to build back what was torn down. How does Nehemiah rebuild it? How did he recruit, train, and empower the Jewish people?

When Financial Disasters Hit Hard
6 Days
We will look at eight economic disasters recorded in the Bible which resulted in severe famine. Famine was an ending – the result of disobedience and sin – and a beginning, a potential turning point toward a better, more faithful future. Financial problems form an opportunity for change and a chance for a new beginning. What can we learn from these economic disasters for our own situation today?

7 Days
Trust is the most valuable commodity of the human heart. Without trust, there can’t be love. Without trust, there can’t be faith. Without trust, our lives will be marked by our own strength, rather than God’s presence and power. In this 7-day plan, you’ll discover God’s faithfulness, and be equipped to place your trust in God, that your life would be filled with his goodness.

The Importance Of The Experience: The Survivors Guide
7 Days
We live for a God who isn't ashamed of who we are, nor the things we’ve been through. There are some situations that can make you feel that way. So, whether you were abused sexually, physically, emotionally, or mentally this devotional is for you. I was molested for 10 years. But I received healing! I want to help you do the same.

The Power of God
7 Days
“God is powerful” is such a widespread, repeated, and used expression! Perhaps today it has lost its meaning a little bit. In this reading plan, we will discover again what God’s power really means for us. We will learn more about different aspects of His power and might!

All the Feels: Take Charge of Your Feelings (Instead of the Other Way Around)
7 Days
Emotions—love them or hate them—we’ve all got them. And we’ve all got to figure out what to do with them. But wait. Can we do anything about emotions? Can we learn how to identify, express, experience—and yes, sometimes wrangle—our feelings in order to live a vibrant, healthy life for Jesus? These devotions will equip you with the Biblical perspectives and practical tools you need to thrive.

Consider the Lilies: Lessons From Nature on Growing Again After Loss
7 Days
When Job wrestled with questions in his grief, God invited him to consider the wonders of nature. God has written his redeeming love into every part of his creation. If you’re struggling to remember God’s goodness or see his guiding hand in the midst of your pain, take this week to listen to creation’s song of resilience and resurrection. You, too, can grow and flourish after loss.

Defeating the Devil’s Designs With the Armour of God
7 Days
None of us will go through this life without facing battles. The death of Jesus Christ and His resurrection mean that we can share in His victory and be conquerors and overcomers. He never promised us that we would not suffer, in fact, He warned us that we would have many troubles in this world. Our strategies for facing these problems are outlined for us in the Bible.

Psalm 23 | I Shall Not Want
7 Days
When David wrote this psalm, he wasn’t relishing in abundance, propping his feet up in the palace. David was really in the valley of the shadow of death – it’s possible there was a death warrant on his head. Yet, he spoke of peace in the valley because he knew the Good Shepherd. What he discovered there in the valley is yours for the asking, as well.

8 Days
We live in times where our human resistance is suffering, but the mighty hand of God hasn't stopped in our favor. We invite you to read this devotional plan, so that through the Bible and our personal experiences, you'll learn how to confront different situations in your life.

John 3:16 - for God So Loved the World
8 Days
This one simple verse (John 3:16) captures the essence of the Gospel of salvation that Jesus came to preach. It shows why Jesus came, what He had to do, who sent Him, God's promises to His people, and how we enter this salvation. It is a powerful lesson for all.

Extended Victory
9 Days
No one is perfect! How can we manage our mistakes, failures and breakdowns? The bible is full of people who failed, yet most of them are used by God. From their failures we can learn that God will lead us into a life of victory.

Unlimited Love
14 Days
Unlimited Love will inspire you with the proven power of God’s love in action. Written by Dr Desmond Ford and Dr Eliezer Gonzalez, it is their prayer that Unlimited Love will take you deeper into God’s promises of His unlimited love for you. Each day also includes personal reflections designed to apply practical lessons to your daily life.

Who Me, Gifted?
15 Days
The Bible tells us that we receive gifts on the day of our spiritual birth to be used to build up the body of Christ. If we do not use these gifts for the common good of the church, everyone suffers. In Who Me, Gifted?, Michael Youssef unpacks the gifts of the Holy Spirit one by one so that believers everywhere will experience fulfillment, spiritual maturity, and unexpected blessings through these gifts bringing ultimate glory to God.

Our Daily Bread: Light in a Pandemic
20 Days
In the midst of a dark and trying year, we’ve had a hope and light to guide us through. That light is the presence of God illuminated through His Word, even for those disproportionately affected by the pandemic and those who serve on the frontlines. This 20-day journey is full of devotional articles and reflections that will remind you of God’s presence and faithfulness in times of struggle.

Influence of God's Glory
24 Days
By the end of this study, we pray that you will know God’s voice better, that you will know when and how he speaks, and feel compelled to obey. As we study Scripture, we will discover that God’s plan cannot be thwarted regardless of who is in power. The point of the original monarchy found in 1 and 2 Samuel, illustrates that from the beginning.

Belmont University Advent Guide
27 Days
This Advent Guide comes from students, faculty and staff at Belmont University. Advent is that season of waiting that carefully and purposefully helps us to realign our priorities and to glimpse, anew, our place before God. Our humble hope is this guide helps people focus more fully on Jesus Christ through the Advent season.

The Better Reading Plan
28 Days
Do you feel overwhelmed, dissatisfied, and stuck in a rut? Wishing your day-to-day life could improve? God's Word is your guide to brighter days. During this 28-day reading plan, you will discover ways you can go from living just a good life to living the type of better life that God desires you to have.

The Beatitudes
28 Days
Go in-depth into one of the most famous sermons ever preached by Jesus, the Beatitudes. This passage is filled with practical and profound wisdom that every Christian can benefit from. We pray that as you take the time over the next few weeks to study these ten verses, that you would hear from the Lord and experience a deeper relationship with Him!

Horizon Church February Bible Reading Plan | Hebrews 11 - Live by Faith
28 Days
Hebrews 11 a list of some of the most well-known biblical figures commended for their faith, highlighting both triumphs and trials—suffering, loss, and testing that shaped their trust in God. This plan explores their stories and the God they relied on, offering encouragement for our own challenges. By learning from these faith forerunners, we can find strength to trust Christ as our steady foundation in every trial.

Walk Through The Bible 365 - February
29 Days
How do we feed ourselves with the Word of God? By reading through the Bible. But how do we grasp all the Bible has to offer in an easy and enjoyable way? This reading plan spans one year with daily bite-sized chunks of devotions and scripture to help you stay focused, at a comfortable pace and without overwhelming yourself. As you begin your walk through the Bible, you'll start to hear, read, study, memorize, meditate, and apply God's word in your life.