Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalm 119:92

The One Hour Prayer Cycle
3 Days
Jesus asked is disciples in the garden why they couldn't stay awake and pray for one hour. For most of us the thought of praying for an hour seems too far out of our reach, but what if there was a simple way to spend an hour in prayer talking with Jesus. Paul instructs us to be devoted to prayer. Try this reading plan and pray for an hour.

Shine Your Light in Darkness
3 Days
In this inspiring and life-changing three-day devotional, you will learn the truth that your ultimate turnaround is on its way as you shine the light of God’s Word in the midst of darkness. Your path is getting brighter and brighter, day by day!

6 Tips if the Holidays Are Hard for You
3 Days
Not everyone has jolly holidays. If you’re alone, or you’ve suffered loss, or had a tough year, all the joy and celebrating can make you feel horrible. It seems like a mockery in the face of painful memories, lack, or loss that might be happening to you right now. Here’s help for navigating the season when you least feel like it…

3 Steps To Growing In The Word
4 Days
Tony Evans shows you three helpful steps to grow in your understanding and application of God's powerful word. Discover the wonder of the Word!

Study, Obey, Teach - Ezra 7:10
4 Days
How do you study the Bible? How do you apply the Word of God to your life? How do you inspire others to do the same? Over the next four days, we will take a look at Ezra the scribe whose dedication to study, obey, and teach the Revelation of God ignited revival in Jerusalem.

Seek the Lord and Find Him
5 Days
Is the Lord your greatest passion? Do you desire to know Him more? This five-day reading plan by Thistlebend Ministries will guide you to a more intimate relationship with the Lord.

Enduring: Promises For Every Season
5 Days
Psalm 119:89-90 reminds us that the Word of the Lord is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. God’s faithfulness continues through all time; it endures. When we’re looking for sure footing in the shaking and answers in the questions, we can turn to His enduring faithfulness, His enduring Word.

The Bible for All: How to Pray for Bible Translation
5 Days
In what ways has the Bible changed your life? When life hits us hard, we find direction and solace in Scripture. But what if the Bible was not in your language? That’s the reality for 1 billion people today. Join this 5-day plan where you can partner your Scripture reading with simple and effective ways to pray for people without the Bible.

5 Days
"Anchored" is a 5-day journey into the transformative power of the Holy Spirit of God through Scripture. Each day, explore how to deepen your relationship with Christ, strengthen community bonds, and engage with the Word in a life-changing way. Be inspired, challenged, and anchored in your faith, ready to reflect Christ's character in every aspect of your life.

Oxygen To My Soul
6 Days
The Word of God is oxygen to my soul. This 6-day plan goes through the longest book in the Bible, Psalm 119. The whole chapter is a passionate love song in praise of Scripture. Through this plan, you will see how the Word of God can truly bless our lives spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Five Ways to Grow Your Faith
6 Days
When life spins out of control, we may realize that our faith is not as strong as we’d like it to be. How can we grow our faith so that it holds fast in the inevitable storms of life? Consider which situation in your life requires the most reliance on God right now, then work through this plan for concrete steps toward a life of deeper faith.

The ABC's of a Faithful Life
6 Days
If we are sincere in our study of God’s holy Scriptures, God will enlighten our minds with his truth. When God reveals his truth to us, we gain a deeper love for Him and a greater understanding of his ways. Shouldn’t everyone want to be familiar with its teaching and its message? Let’s explore Psalm 119 together and discover why.

Chasing Carrots
7 Days
We’re all chasing something. Usually something just out of reach—a better job, a more comfortable home, a perfect family, the approval of others. But isn’t this tiring? Is there a better way? Find out in this new Life.Church Bible Plan, accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, Chasing Carrots.

How I Got Closer to God
7 Days
When my first husband died suddenly at age 37 it rocked my world. It was the worst time in my life but it was also the best time because I got closer to God than ever before. I spent so much time with Him that I truly fell in love with Him. Let these seven lessons lead you, too, into a deeper relationship with God than ever before.

What Is Wisdom?
9 Days
Who doesn’t want to be wise—to think carefully, avoid trouble, and make decisions that lead to happiness? However, wisdom feels lofty and possibly even unattainable for most of us. The Bible shows us that wisdom can be found by following God’s way. In this nine-day series on Proverbs, we will look at what wisdom is and how to follow God’s path of wisdom.

Jesus in All of 2 Kings - A Video Devotional
13 Days
1 Kings is all about Jesus! This 13-day plan will walk you through the book of 2 Kings by reading just a chapter or two a day. Each day is accompanied by a short devotional and video that explains what’s happening and shows you how each part of the story points to Jesus and his Gospel.

Break Free and Live in Truth
13 Days
Millions of women find themselves stuck in a cycle of negative thinking and destructive behaviors when it comes to food and body-image. It’s time to break free! This 13-Day plan walks you through important steps and biblical truths that lead to food and body-image freedom based on the real-life journey of one who has been where you are.

The Ten Commandments. God’s Instruction Manual for Life
15 Days
God gave the Israelites instructions on how to serve Him and how to treat fellow people. These “ten commandments” were like a constitution designed by God Himself, meant for his glory and the well-being of the people. They are still a valuable guideline for our life with God and with other people. This Reading Plan studies all ten commandments and the summary that Jesus gave us.

Presence & Power
15 Days
There is more! Through this 15-day devotional, we will adventure together to experience more of His presence and power in our everyday lives. In a world full of distractions and competing agendas, let us focus on Him, hearing His voice, seeking His kingdom, and believing we will experience more of His presence and power.

Opening the Bible
18 Days
The Bible is one of the most influential books of all time, but it can seem overwhelming to know how to understand it and what to do with it. This 18-day Bible study will help break down what the Bible is, why it matters, and how you can understand it today. We’ll also discover how you can put God’s Word in action in His world.

Our Biblical GPS
23 Days
Our earthly lives are a journey, and God’s guidance system enables us to avoid many detours along the way. We remain on the best road home when we allow God’s word to be our guidance system through the Holy Spirit.

Follow Me (OHC)
28 Days
Jesus called the disciples, and He's calling you. Follow Me is a foundational discipleship series looking at what it means to follow Jesus moment by moment. We'll study the gospels and dive into the experiences of His disciples.

Preparing Your Heart To Lead
28 Days
What makes a good leader? God cares about character, not skill sets. When God was picking someone to lead His people, He had to remind them, ".. man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). Who you are is more important than what you do. In this study, you'll learn that leading your group well starts by preparing your heart.

The Maxwell Leadership Reading Plan
30 Days
This 30-day reading plan covers many critical leadership topics with excerpts offered from John C. Maxwell. Dr. Maxwell has spent decades equipping others for leadership with his major source of leadership principles being offered from the Bible. Use this reading plan as a resource to learn what a godly leader is and how God is glorified when we accept our roles as leaders and empower others to do the same.