Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Lamentations 3:40

"Recovering Your Joy" in American Sign Language
4 Days
God designed us to use our time and talents to help other people. But you may understand what it feels like when you’re no longer serving others — you get stressed! And, you lose your joy. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how we can recover our joy by giving back.

Recovering Your Joy
5 Days
If you want joy in your life, you have to find a balance in your schedule. Pastor Rick shares how you can readjust your input and your output so that your giving and receiving helps you recover your joy, not lose it.
FRUITFUL & FULFILLED An Abundant Life Self-Assessment
5 Days
Jesus came that we might have "life to the full," and He warned that an enemy aims to rob us of it (John 10:10). Thus, from our experience, we must be intentional in this pursuit of abundant life. This assessment will help you to do just that by developing a personal P.L.A.N., an acronym we use to help you be fruitful and fulfilled in life and ministry. Enjoy the journey!

Work Through the Whole Bible, Part 6
5 Days
Do you wonder if God has anything to say about your work? Explore key verses from each chapter of the Bible that offer wisdom, guidance, and purpose for everyday work. Part 6: Isaiah-Daniel

Ctrl - Alt - Del
5 Days
In the past, when our computers stopped working or crashed, we would see a never-ending spinning hourglass... and we knew it was time to press 3 keys: Ctrl - Alt - Del. This course is for people who want to press those buttons on their life, 'force quit' their porn habit, and reboot into a healthier, happier, holier version of themselves. We think that's a great decision! Let's get started.

Good Grief Part 4: Learning to Lament in Lamentations
5 Days
We all experience great loss- a relationship, a job, a loved one, or simply life as it once was. We’re sure that life is not supposed to be this way and so we grieve and mourn for what could have been. And we’re not alone. Join us for the fourth week of a 5-part plan that will help us learn the language and heart of lament in Scripture.

New Every Morning: A Study in Lamentations
5 Days
Most likely written by the prophet Jeremiah, Lamentations is a collection of poems mourning the siege of Jerusalem and the coming exile of Judah. Despite the wickedness of God’s people that led to their captivity, the writer reminds his readers the loyal love and mercy of the Lord are truly new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). Even in deep darkness, God is our portion, our hope, and our salvation.

Lamentations: When God Is Silent
5 Days
In difficult times, do you feel like God is silent? The book of Lamentations offers a language for times when you feel alone in sorrow. Lamentations invites you to pour out your most difficult emotions in prayer and to return to the God who loves you and is working all things together for good. In this five-day series, read through the book of Lamentations and consider God's steadfast love.

7 Day Married Couple’s Connection Challenge
7 Days
Don’t let disconnection steal the affection from your marriage. God wants you to live a connected healthy life together. Take this 7 Day Married Couple’s Connection Challenge and see how the Bible points us to connect with each other. This 7-day plan by Christina Dodson will help you talk more, prioritize each other, have fun again, and learn new things about each other.

You Can Do This! 7 Steps That Make a Big Difference
7 Days
Throughout this plan, we'll address a host of different topics, all of which I believe will help us act and think differently in our everyday lives. Hopefully, these ideas will be thought-provoking and encourage you to say to yourself, "Aha! I could actually do that!" This week, may we each experience the joy of positive change!

Building Healthy Habits
8 Days
Wanting to kick some old habits that have been bogging you down? This 8-day guide will start you on the track to creating healthy spiritual habits in your life.

Man In Crisis
12 Days
What’s your response when your wife says she’s done with your relationship? Crisis mode ensues. This 12-day devotional gives practical insight from a man’s real-life perspective. If your marriage is dying or thriving, this devotional will be worth the read.

Celebrate Recovery Through Prayer
13 Days
Celebrate Recovery ( is a twelve step Christ-centered approach aimed at healing "hurts, habits, and hang-ups.” This reading plan will show you the loving power of Jesus Christ through a recovery process. It is based on the actual words of Jesus and not just psychological theory.

Smith Wigglesworth Devotional
14 Days
Your faith will expand as you read these challenging insights into faith-filled living by noted evangelist Smith Wigglesworth, the “Apostle of Faith.” You will connect with God’s glorious power, cast out doubt, and see impossibilities turn into realities. Your prayer life will be transformed as you experience the joy of seeing powerful results when ministering to others. “God is more eager to answer than we are to ask,” says Wigglesworth.

Christmas in 3 Acts
21 days
In this Advent Infinitum Series, we will be using the themes of Tragedy, Comedy and Fairytale. They will act as doorways into a deeper understanding of surrender, generosity, and mission. Each theme lasts 7 days. The first day will be an introduction. Days 2 to 6 will give you a reading, an experience, a practice, a question, and a prayer. Day 7 is Sabbath, consolidation, review, and recollection.

Finding Safety in God's Care, the Story of Ruth
21 Days
The story of Naomi and Ruth is about believing, trusting God and finding safety in His care. This story is thousands of years old, but still relevant today! This reading plan follows Ruth on her spiritual journey and shows you who God wants to be — for a Moabite woman and also for you.

IHCC Daily Bible Reading Plan - June
30 Days
Daily Bible reading plan with four daily reading passages in four categories: Old Testament History, Old Testament Poetry/Prophecy, New Testament Narrative, and New Testament Epistle. Created by Indian Hills Community Church.

Daily Bible Reading - August 2020 God's Life-Giving Word of Forgiveness and Mercy
31 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “God’s Life-Giving Word of Forgiveness and Mercy.”

Daily Bible Reading–March 2021 God's Word of Prayer
31 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “God’s Word of Prayer.”

Daily Bible Reading—July 2024, God’s Guiding Word: Mercy and Forgiveness
31 Days
Daily Bible Reading helps you build consistent interaction with Scripture. Background, key verses for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, and prayers prompted by today’s passage all help you connect with God and others. Journey with us this month and explore the theme “God’s Guiding Word: Mercy and Forgiveness"