Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to James 3:4

James 3 - Anyone for Teaching?
3 Days
The role of teacher in the Christian community is a serious one.

Taming the Tongue
3 Days
The tongue, while small, is powerful in its impact. We all struggle to say the right thing at the right time. Over the next three days, we will engage with God's Word and focus on the importance of using our words wisely. We will reflect on how wise words stimulate healing, while harsh words stir up anger and pain. Finally, we will contemplate Biblical best practices for taming the tongue.

Building a Strong Godly Life
4 Days
This plan will help us to have a spiritual discipline in order to have a strong godly life

Harmful Agreements
4 Days
Words are powerful. Your voice has the ability to bring good or evil into your life. We must always remember that we have an enemy who loves to whisper lies in our ears and has the power to bring those lies into the world through our mouths. Our job is to discern which voice we listen to and be careful about what we say, think, and believe.

I Am
4 Days
When you hear yourself speaking, what do you hear? Strengthen yourself based on your identity in Jesus Christ with this 4-day reading plan.

KNOW James
4 Days
This plan will explore what the letter of James teaches us about growing into maturity in four major areas. 1) WHO GOD IS: God’s character and nature 2) WHO WE ARE: the identity of humanity and/or believers 3) WHAT WE BELIEVE: core Christian doctrines 4) HOW WE LIVE: putting faith into action

James Bible Study
4 Days
This plan is intended as a guide to discovering the message of James for yourself! Grab a notebook to jot down your thoughts as you are led through a process of: 1) Observing the text of James 2) Interpreting its original message to James’ audience in the first century 3) Applying the letter’s timeless truths to your life today

Kids Bible Experience | How to Control My Thoughts
4 Days
“Where the head goes, the body follows.” No, this is not just a saying that describes getting pulled around by a grandma who’s holding your ear – Our thoughts drive our choices! In this plan, we will explore the power of our minds and how we can invite God to guide our thinking.

Speak To My Heart, Jesus
5 Days
This five-day plan will help you listen to His words of wisdom to bring clarity to your soul and comfort to restore your heart.

Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 3)
5 Days
Encouragement from a mom who launched her 7 children and lived to tell about it. Part 3 in this series of 12.

Tests And Triumphs Of Faith: James
5 Days
Examine the book of James in three parts: the test of faith, the characteristics of faith, and the triumph of faith. Faith without works cannot be called faith. Faith without works is dead, and a dead faith is worse than no faith at all. Faith must be there, but it must be more. It must inspire action. Throughout his epistle to Jewish believers, James integrates true faith and everyday practical experience by stressing that true faith must manifest itself in works of faith.

Watching The Tongue
5 Days
Someone once said, " The tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break a heart. So be careful with your words." How true. If even James, the half brother of Jesus, affirmed this truth in his letter some 2000 years ago to Jewish believers dispersed in the face of difficulties, it's time we recognize the power of the tongue.

Wisdom for Busy Professionals
5 Days
The book of James is beloved for how practical it is in our lives and work. In each day of this five-day plan, you’ll read a chapter of James as well as a short devotional that will focus on a few key verses that are particularly relevant to busy Christian professionals.

Understanding The Book Of James
5 Days
This five-day reading plan explores the book of James through Heather Hair's adapted commentary originally written by Christian Classic author Matthew Henry. Audio readings of each chapter are also provided by Heather Hair. Unpack the truths in this powerful book!

James Through African Eyes
5 Days
Get a fresh perspective on the practical wisdom of James. Brothers and sisters from Africa share about children at risk, "tongue meat", favoring the rich, healing, and more. Featuring insight from the Africa Study Bible and questions for reflection or discussion, let the global church encourage you to put your faith to work.

Me & My Big Mouth
5 Days
Ever said something you wish you could take back? Of course you have. We all have. Even if what you said was true, those words may have cost you your job, your reputation, or a relationship. Conversations don't come with backspace buttons, so how do we prevent our mouths from getting us in trouble next time? For the next five days, let’s explore ways to work on taming our tongues.

Heroic Husbandry: Reclaiming Hero Status in Your Marriage
5 Days
We love to watch movies where the hero triumphs against all odds, yet our lives rarely feel as heroic. This 5-day plan aims at growing your relationship with Jesus first, to help you embrace the high call of husbandry in your marriage.

That Label Doesn't Fit You Anymore
5 Days
Read through God’s Word, within each devotional, and reflect through guided questions for both individual consideration or group discussion. We pray it encourages you to reframe your reality.

Honor the Lord
5 Days
Share this devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this life-transforming message. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Choose to build upon the principles and precepts of His Word. The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the chief and choice part of wisdom. Let your heart fear and honor God as you read this message.

The Leader in You
5 Days
Whether you are just starting out in leadership or are looking for a fresh start, Ebony Small helps you discover five biblical principles for leadership. God uses every experience—good, bad, or indifferent—to help you lead from an authentic and healthy place. Discover your unique leadership gifts and skills, and see how obedience to God unleashes a ripple effect that can alter the destiny of generations to come.

Family Talk: A Family Devotional on Our Words
5 Days
The words we say to each other matter! Using video instruction, games, easy to understand messages, questions, and the Word of God, this family devotional is designed to bring your family closer together and begin changing how you talk to each other. If you are looking for an easy way to start family devotions or work on your family talk, this is the plan for you.

5 Days
Jesus came to give us life and life to the full. Join us on a journey of freedom as we uncover many common strongholds that stop us living free. Get some practical tools on how you can find your true identity in Jesus, forgive & overcome offence, break free from addiction, let go of your past and run free. You'll never be the same again!

Developing Godly Self-Confidence
5 Days
The first thing we say when we introduce ourselves is “I am.” We say our names, our occupations, and anything else that communicates who we are. The problem is, we tend to misidentify ourselves. Who we are is not determined by what we do, but rather by to whom we belong. Join Natalie Grant and Charlotte Gambill as they share how to live with God-sized confidence.