Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 Samuel 17:46

Problems and Solutions
3 Days
Most problems have solutions. Some solutions harder than others. Unfortunately we most often prefer to stand on our own shaky feet rather than lean on God's infinite understanding. Biblical solutions are simple to follow yet strong in impact. As we go through this bible plan we hope to learn to give in selflessly and gracefully in order to find long term solutions to our problems.

Dream Again!
3 Days
What do you do when your dreams don’t manifest? Do you forfeit your dreams? In this Bible plan, Dr. Foster encourages you to trust your heart to God and Dream Again! God, your Creator, has designed you to succeed in His plans for your life. So, sow your trust in Him and expectantly prepare for bountiful harvests of fulfillment. God is faithful!

Called Outside Your Comfort Zone
3 Days
In this 3-day reading plan by Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, you will learn to push aside doubt, anxiety, and worry and to continue praising God even in the midst of uncomfortable circumstances.

Step Into My Story
3 Days
Pride can get the best of us all. It is the sneakiest temptation we face because it can take over our thoughts without us realizing it is happening. This study digs in to how to recognize that temptation, how to control our thought process, and how to remind ourselves that God is the author and perfecter. In this study, we choose to say, "Jesus, Step into my story."

How to Overcome Fear and Step Into Your Destiny
3 Days
Fear is an insidious thief that steals our moments of joy, happiness, fulfillment and blessing. It manifests itself in different forms: fear of failure, criticism, judgment, rejection, etc. This emotion, used by the enemy, often paralyzes our destiny. In this plan, we'll look at how to overcome fear and enter our destiny.

Him-Dependent: Living a Life Dependent on Jesus
3 Days
The believer was not designed to live life on their own. Our lives were designed to be lived in Christ Jesus, depending only on His finished work on the Cross. This plan explores the believer’s path to experiencing a life of victory through faith in the gospel of God’s love.

Warrior's Meditation
3 Days
Join U.S. Army Veteran, Dr. Temi Michael-O, to explore how to use meditation for the renewal of your mind and victory over the enemy's mind-bending activities.

I'm Enthusiastic
4 Days
Do you ever just feel flat? You’re not alone—even King David ran out of joy. Start reading part five of the six-part Stay Positive series and rekindle your enthusiasm.

4 Days
Jesus promises that if we stand in faith, we will “win life.” From Moses at the Red Sea, to Jesus with His disciples, Stand is the call to believe God and hold fast to His promises.

Size Up Your Opponent
4 Days
Whether we like it or not, as Christians, we are in a fight. We have a responsibility to fight for our loved ones, for our nation, and for future generations. Fortunately, the battle has already been won so we can fight from victory and not for victory. Let this devotional encourage you to step into the ring and fight the good fight—God's way!

A New Season, A New Plan
4 Days
Are you feeling anxious or fearful for this new season of competition? Are you unsure of what to expect? If we go back to the basics of God’s Word, we are reminded of key, fundamental truths about Jesus: He is for us, He is with us, He will guide us. He has already won for us. Dive into this four-day plan to be encouraged in this new season of play.

Kids Bible Experience | Overcoming Fear and Anxiety
4 Days
Unexpected challenges and tragedies can cause us to get stuck in a cycle of fear and anxiety. We know God can heal our bodies, but what do we do when we don’t know what needs “fixing”? Thankfully, God’s Word is FULL of truths that lead us to VICTORY in our battle for peace of mind. Let’s start exploring them today!

Bigger Than Me- Teach Your Child How to Deal With Challenges and Bullying
4 Days
Are you looking for a way to equip your child with the skills to fight life's challenges without violence? Join Ashley Lunnon as she takes you on a journey teaching you tips and tricks for teaching your child how to fight back using biblical truths from David and Goliath.

Living on the Other Side of Fear by Matt Bromley
4 Days
We all have dreams and things we want to do with our one life – but for most of us, fear is something that keeps us from going there. In this four-day plan by professional big-wave surfer Matt Bromley, you’ll find answers to two big questions: How do we face our fear, and what happens when we do it?

COMIC BIBLE - Fearless
5 Days
Fear. It drives so much of the world around us but God tells us that something else should drive us instead of fear. The Fearless Bible study gives us powerful Scriptural reminders of how and why not fear.

What's In Your Hands? God's Unexpected Answer
5 Days
When we approach God with our dreams and desires, we often focus on what we don’t have. We tell Him we could do more if He’d give us more skills or resources. We compare what we’ve been given to the gifts of others. And often, our patient Father responds with an unexpected question: What’s in your hands?

Speak Over The Fear
5 Days
How often has fear stopped you from pursuing your goals? Ever the bully, fear will taunt and tempt you to doubt God’s love and good plans for you. God says His children are overcomers. When you respond to fear with God’s Word and act anyway, fear becomes a training ground, producing boldness and testimonies. You can prevail! Be the overcomer God says you are. Speak Over The Fear!

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–7–The Rise Of Israel
5 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the seventh part "The Rise of Israel." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

RARE: Exchanging Shame For Grace
5 Days
Shame, guilt and regret have no place in the body of Christ. We serve a God that will use all that we are for His glory. No matter what we’ve done or how “bad” we think we have been, He can always use it for His glory. We are RARE!

UNCOMMEN: A to B, What's Your Path
5 Days
We regularly forget about the journey between our beginnings and endings. However, God orchestrated the journey for a purpose. In this plan, we'll read about five different journeys that may have been tough, but glorified God. Through this, you'll learn how to trust and praise God in the middle of your path.

Does God's Sovereignty Reign in Your Life?
5 Days
God’s sovereignty...although it sounds like a deep subject but it’s important to your Christian life. When we look at the life of David, it’s clear that God is in control of everything in our life, whether we believe it or not. Over the next five days consider whether God’s sovereignty reigns in your life.

Walking in Obedience
5 Days
Have you ever had to make a decision between something that makes logical sense on paper and the thing you believe God has asked you to do? The tension that comes when you recognize the two aren't the same can feel confusing. Join Natalie Grant & Charlotte Gambill as they share the importance of walking in obedience and how it positions us to respond in faith despite our feelings.

Called Out
5 Days
At Hillsong College, we believe that each one of us have been called out to advance God's Kingdom here on earth. This discipleship study will help you discover and embrace the call of God. This 5 Day plan was written by students and staff of Hillsong College.

Chasing Failure
5 Days
This reading plan includes five daily devotions based on Ryan Leak’s book "Chasing Failure: How Falling Short Sets You Up for Success." This study will explore how overcoming our fear of failure frees us to pursue the dreams that God calls us to pursue.

Faith and Patience
5 Days
God is pleased by faith, so we need to know how to live by faith. One of the most overlooked aspects of faith is patience. Patience is needed for a life of faith. Patience has great benefits if we allow it to have its perfect work in us. - Devon Daniel, Executive Pastor at Believer's Victory Church