Bereshis 15:6
The Orthodox Jewish Bible
And he believed in HASHEM; and He credited [emunah (faith)] to him as tzedakah (righteousness).
Utforsk Bereshis 15:6
Bereshis 15:1
After these things the Devar HASHEM came unto Avram in a makhazeh, saying, Fear not, Avram; I am thy mogen, and thy exceeding great sachar (reward).
Utforsk Bereshis 15:1
Bereshis 15:5
And He brought him forth outside, and said, Look now toward Shomayim, and count the kokhavim, if thou be able to number them; and He said unto him, So shall thy zera be.
Utforsk Bereshis 15:5
Bereshis 15:4
And, hinei, the Devar HASHEM came unto him saying, This shall not be thy yoresh; but he that shall come forth out of thine own body shall be thy yoresh.
Utforsk Bereshis 15:4
Bereshis 15:13
And HASHEM said unto Avram, Know of a surety that thy zera shall be a ger in a land not their own, and will serve them; and they will mistreat them arba me'ot shanah
Utforsk Bereshis 15:13
Bereshis 15:2
And Avram said, Adonoi HASHEM, what wilt Thou give me, since I go childless, and the Ben Meshek of my Bais is this Eli'ezer of Damesek (Damascus)?
Utforsk Bereshis 15:2
Bereshis 15:18
On that day HASHEM cut a brit (covenant) with Avram, saying, Unto thy zera have I given ha'aretz hazot, from the Wadi of Mitzrayim unto the great river, the river Euphrates
Utforsk Bereshis 15:18
Bereshis 15:16
But in the fourth generation they shall come back here again; for the avon (iniquity) of the Emori (Amorite) is not yet full.
Utforsk Bereshis 15:16