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Matyu 15:25-27

Matyu 15:25-27 AMP

Jisasr kfo pthamo mrokfot rot wanymott. To nhai. Rot mfrfnahnehato Jisasrhu nyingatikko bangum myuknamotmn nyingatikt bbinysoft yohnehato kfo memotr, “Bro Nungothete, wahti dukana.” Jisasr kfo memort, “Yonroh hayuk yeshrt nhai bi yakhato yaumn afo wahta hekahmn.” Tfitn nd mettn kfo memot, “Bro yimaye, ndt rot hifat kfiwun. To nhai. Nd yauyenm, tebor yinhit toh hanyukm, rom to nd yonm ye bruraf hanitam ke tuthatak hanitm.”

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