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Lucan 6:45

Lucan 6:45 SMY1859

O aghathos anthropos ek tu aghathu thisavru tis cardhìas aftu ecferi to aghathon: ke o cacos anthropos ek tu cacu thisavru tis cardhias aftu ecferi to cacon: dhioti ek tu perissevmatos tis cardhìas lali to stoma aftu.

Lucan 6 ကိုဖတ္ပါ။

Lucan 6:45 အေၾကာင္း ဗီဒီယိုမ်ား

Lucan 6:45 အဖို႔ က်မ္းပိုဒ္ဓာတ္ပုံမ်ား

Lucan 6:45 - O aghathos anthropos ek tu aghathu thisavru tis cardhìas aftu ecferi to aghathon: ke o cacos anthropos ek tu cacu thisavru tis cardhias aftu ecferi to cacon: dhioti ek tu perissevmatos tis cardhìas lali to stoma aftu.