Mark 7:6-13

Mark 7:6-13 TPT

Jesus replied, “You are hypocrites! How accurately did Isaiah prophesy about you phonies when he said: ‘These people honor me with their words while their hearts run far away from me! Their worship is nothing more than a charade! For they continue to insist that their man-made traditions are equal to the instructions of God.’ “You abandon God’s commandments just to keep men’s rituals, such as ceremonially washing utensils, cups, and other things.” Then he added, “How skillful you’ve become in rejecting God’s law in order to maintain your man-made set of rules. For example, Moses taught us: ‘Honor your father and mother,’ and, ‘Whoever insults or mistreats his father or mother must be put to death.’ “But your made-up rules allow a person to say to his parents, ‘I’ve decided to take the support you were counting on from me and make it my holy offering to God, and that will be your blessing instead.’ How convenient! The rules you teach exempt him from providing for his aged parents. Do you really think God will honor your traditions passed down to others, making up rules that nullify God’s Word? And you’re doing many other similar things.”

Mark 7 वाचा