Luik 17:19
Tha Fower Gospels ïn Ulstèr-Scots 2021
Jesus saed tae tha man, “Rise up an gang yer wye, yer faith haes made ye weel.”
तुलना करा
एक्सप्लोर करा Luik 17:19
Luik 17:4
An ïf he keeps on daein ye wrang seiven times a day an ïs sorrie iverie time, then ye maun still forgie hïm.”
एक्सप्लोर करा Luik 17:4
Luik 17:15-16-15-16
An yin o thaim, whan he saen he wus cured, turnt bak an cryed oot at tha tap o hïs voice, “Praise God!” Then he faad doon at Jesus' feet an gien thenks. An tha man wus a Samaritan, sae he wus.
एक्सप्लोर करा Luik 17:15-16-15-16
Luik 17:3
Lïsten here, ïf summodie daes ocht agin ye, tell hïm he shudnae hae daen ït, an ïf he says he's sorrie, then forgie hïm.
एक्सप्लोर करा Luik 17:3
Luik 17:17-18
“Dïd A no cure ten men?” axt Jesus. “Whar's tha ither nine? Hae nane o thaim cum bak tae gie thenks tae God apairt frae thïs foreigner?”
एक्सप्लोर करा Luik 17:17-18
Luik 17:6
An tha Loard saed, “If yis haed faith as smaa as a mustèrt seed even, yis cud say tae thïs mulberry tree, ‘Cum oot bi tha ruit an plant yersel ïn tha sea’, an richt awa ït'd dae whut ït's toul.
एक्सप्लोर करा Luik 17:6
Luik 17:33
Whaiver houls on tae hïs life wull loass ït, an whaiver gies up hïs life wull aye hae ït.
एक्सप्लोर करा Luik 17:33
Luik 17:1-2
Yin day Jesus saed tae hïs follaers, “Thair'll aye be temptation tae dae wrang, but dear halp tha yin that daes tha tempin! It wud be faur bettèr fer hïm ïf a mïllstane wus hung roon hïs neck an he wus drapt ïntae tha sea, rether ner hïm leadin yin o these puir wee craitèrs asthray.
एक्सप्लोर करा Luik 17:1-2
Luik 17:26-27
Whaniver tha Sinn o Man cums bak, ït'll be jist laik ït wus ïn Noah's day. Fer fowk wus aitin an drïnkin an gettin merriet, richt up tae tha verie day Noah went ïntae tha airk, then tha wattèr floodit an aa wur droont.
एक्सप्लोर करा Luik 17:26-27