Luik 15:20
Tha Fower Gospels ïn Ulstèr-Scots 2021
Sae he ris up an he went bak hame tae hïs faither. But whan he wus yit a lang róads aff, hïs faither saa hïm cumin, an hïs hairt went oot tae hïm, an he run an throwed hïs airms roon hïm an he kïsst hïm.
तुलना करा
एक्सप्लोर करा Luik 15:20
Luik 15:24
Fer thïs sinn o mine wus deid, an noo he's bak tae life agane; he wus loast, but noo he's fun.’ Sae tha pairtie begun.
एक्सप्लोर करा Luik 15:24
Luik 15:7
A tell yis, jist ïn tha same wye, thair wull be mair joy ïn heiven ower yin wrangdaer that repents o hïs wrangdaein, mair ner ower ninetie-nine that thïnks the' dïnnae need tae repent.”
एक्सप्लोर करा Luik 15:7
Luik 15:18
A'll git up an A'll gae hame tae ma faither an A'll say: A hae sïnned agin heiven an agin yersel
एक्सप्लोर करा Luik 15:18
Luik 15:21
Tha sinn saed tae hïm, ‘A hae sïnned agin heiven an agin yersel, an A'm nae mair fït tae be caad yer sinn.’
एक्सप्लोर करा Luik 15:21
Luik 15:4
“Say a man amang yis haed a hunnèr sheep; ïf he loast yin o thaim, wud he no lea tha ninetie-nine oot on tha muirs, an gang eftèr tha yin that wus loast til he fins ït?
एक्सप्लोर करा Luik 15:4