Mattityahu 11:28
The third line (in English) translating the meaning of each word in the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadashah (New Testament)
come to me all, who toil hard and are burdened, and I will you (PL) give rest.
Mattityahu 11:28 г судлах
Mattityahu 11:29
take my yoke on yourselves, and learn from me; because I am a meek and of a soft disposition, and you (PL) will find rest for your (PL) souls.
Mattityahu 11:29 г судлах
Mattityahu 11:30
because my yoke is agreeable, and my burden is easy!
Mattityahu 11:30 г судлах
Mattityahu 11:27
all is me given over become from my Father, and no one knows not the Son except the Father; and no one knows not the Father except the Son, and whom the Son wants him reveal his.
Mattityahu 11:27 г судлах
Mattityahu 11:4-5
and Yehoshua has answering said to them: go and tell John what you (PL) hear and sees: the blind see, and lame walk around, lepers become cleansed, and deaf hear, and dead stand up, and to poor people it is announced the good News.
Mattityahu 11:4-5 г судлах
Mattityahu 11:15
who it has ears, this one should hear!
Mattityahu 11:15 г судлах
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