Luke 6:38
Contemporary English Version Interconfessional Edition
If you give to others, you will be given a full amount in return. It will be packed down, shaken together, and spilling over into your lap. The way you treat others is the way you will be treated.
Luke 6:38 г судлах
Luke 6:45
Good people do good things because of the good in their hearts, but bad people do bad things because of the evil in their hearts. Your words show what is in your heart.
Luke 6:45 г судлах
Luke 6:35
But love your enemies and be good to them. Lend without expecting to be paid back. Then you will get a great reward, and you will be the true children of God in heaven. He is good even to people who are unthankful and cruel.
Luke 6:35 г судлах
Luke 6:36
Have pity on others, just as your Father has pity on you.
Luke 6:36 г судлах
Luke 6:37
Jesus said: Don't judge others, and God won't judge you. Don't be hard on others, and God won't be hard on you. Forgive others, and God will forgive you.
Luke 6:37 г судлах
Luke 6:27-28
This is what I say to all who will listen to me: Love your enemies, and be good to everyone who hates you. Ask God to bless anyone who curses you, and pray for everyone who is cruel to you.
Luke 6:27-28 г судлах
Luke 6:31
Treat others just as you want to be treated.
Luke 6:31 г судлах
Luke 6:29-30
If someone slaps you on one cheek, don't stop that person from slapping you on the other cheek. If someone wants to take your coat, don't try to keep back your shirt. Give to everyone who asks and don't ask people to return what they have taken from you.
Luke 6:29-30 г судлах
Luke 6:43
A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit.
Luke 6:43 г судлах
Luke 6:44
You can tell what a tree is like by the fruit it produces. You cannot pick figs or grapes from thornbushes.
Luke 6:44 г судлах
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