Daniel 2:1-11

Daniel 2:1-11 TPT

In the second year of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar had an ominous dream. It left him so disturbed that he could not sleep. So the king called for his magicians, enchanters, wizards, and wise men to tell him what he had dreamed. And they all came and stood before the unsettled king. He told them, “I’ve had a dream, and my heart is troubled. I want to know what my dream means.” The wise men answered him in Aramaic: “May you live forever, O king! Tell your servants the dream you had, and we will gladly reveal its meaning for you.” “My decision is final,” the king answered. “If you cannot tell me what I dreamed and what it means, I will have you torn limb from limb and turn your homes into garbage dumps. But if you can tell me what I dreamed and its interpretation, I will reward you with wonderful gifts and high honor in my kingdom. So now, tell me my dream and what it means.” They again replied, “Let the king tell his dream to us his servants, and we will gladly reveal its meaning.” But the king retorted, “I know what you’re doing; you’re just stalling for time! My decision is firm. If you do not interpret my dream for me, you will all receive the same punishment. You have conspired to continue deceiving me with your lies, hoping something will change. So, tell me now what I dreamed so that I can be assured that you are able to interpret it for me.” The wise men answered the king, “There is no one on earth who could do what Your Majesty commands. Furthermore, no king great or small has ever requested such a thing of any magician, enchanter, or astrologer. Your Majesty, what you ask is difficult, and it is impossible for anyone to reveal it except the gods, and they do not live with mortals.”

Daniel 2 വായിക്കുക