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Luke 4

1Soðlice se hælend wæs full halgen gaste ⁊ferde fram iordane.
Ductus est iesus in desertum á spiritu ut temptaretur a diabolo
Se halend wæs fram halig gaste gelæd on sumen westene 2feortig dagen ⁊wæs fram deofol costnod ⁊he on þam dagen nan þing ne æt. And þam dagen gefylleden hine hingrede. 3Þa cwæð se deofel hym to. gyf þu syo godes sunu. sæge þisen stanen þæt he to hlafe gewurðe. 4Ða andswerede him se hælend. Hit ys awriten þæt se man ne leofeð be hlafe anen. ac of ælcen godes worde. 5And þa lædde se deofel hyne ⁊atewede him ealle þa rice eorðe ymbhwyrftes on anre brihtan hwile. 6⁊to him cwæð. Ealne þisne anweald ic þe sylle ⁊heora wuldor for þan þe hy me synde gesealde ⁊ich hye sylle þan þe ich wille. 7Witodlice ealle hyo beoð þine gif þu geeadmedest beforan me. 8Ða andswerede him se halend. Hit is awriten. Drihten þinne god þu geeadmest ⁊hym ane þeowast. 9Ða lædde he hyne on Ierusalem ⁊gesette hine ofer þas temples ricg ⁊hym to cwæð. Gyf þu syo godes sunu asend þe heonen nyder. 10Soðlice hit ys awriten þæt he hys ænglen be þe bebeot þt hyo þe gehealden; 11⁊þt hyo þe mid handen nymen þe læs þe þu þinne fot æt stane ætsperne. 12Ða cwæð se hælend him andsweriende. hyt is gecweðen ne costa þu drihten þinne god. 13⁊ealle þare costlinge gefylledera. se deofel hym sume hwile fram gewat. 14Þa ferde se hælend on gastes mægne on galileam ⁊his hlise be him ferde on eall þæt riche. 15⁊he lærde be heora samnunge ⁊wæs fram eallen gemearsod. 16Ða com he to nazareth. þær he afed wæs ⁊he eode on restedaige on þa gesamnenge æfter his gewunen ⁊he aras þt he rædde. 17⁊hym wæs geseald ysaias boc þas witegan ⁊sona swa he þa boc unfeld þa funde he þær awriten; 18drihtnes gast is ofer me for þan he smerede me. He sende me þærfen bodian ⁊gehæften alysendnysse ⁊blinden gesihðe. forbrokene gehælen. 19⁊bodian drihtnes anfenge gear ⁊edleanes daig. 20And þa he þa boc befeold he hye þam þeigne sealde ⁊agef ⁊sæt ⁊ealre hire eagen on þare samnunge wæren on hine behealdende. 21Ða ongan he heom to cwædene. Soðlice to daig ys þis writ on eowren earen gefylled. 22⁊hyo ealle wæren þis gecnawe ⁊wundredon be þam worden þe of hys muðe eode ⁊þus cwæðen. Nis þes Iosepes sune. 23Þa cwæð he. Witodlice ge seggeð me þas gelicnysse. eala leche gehæl þe sylfne. Do her on þinen earde swa fela wundre swa we gehyrden gedone on chapharnaum. 24Ða cwæð he. soðlice ic eow segge þæt nan witege nis andfenge on hys æðele. 25Soðlice ic eow segge manega wudewan wæren on helias dagon on israel. þa þa seo heofena wæs beloken þreo gear ⁊six monþas. Þa wæs geworðan mycel hunger on ealre eorðan 26⁊to þare nanun næs helias asend. buton to anre wudewan on sarepta sydonie. 27And manega lichþrowæres wæron on israel under helyseo þam witegan; ⁊heore nan næs æclænsed butan naaman se scirescan. 28Þa wurðen hyo ealle on þare gesamnunge mid eorre gefylled. þas þing geherende. 29ænd hyo arison ⁊scufen hine of þare ceastre. ænd lædden hine ofer þas muntes cnæp ofer þane hyra burh getymbred wæs þæt hyo hine nyðer bescufan. 30þa ferde he þurh hyra midlen. 31And he ferde to kapharnaum on galileisce ceastre ⁊he þær on ræstedaigen lærde. 32⁊hyo wundreden be his lare; for þan hys spræce on anwealde wæs. 33And on hire samnunge wæs sum man unclæne deofol hæbbende ⁊he hrymde michelere stefne 34⁊cwæð. Læt la nazareisce hælend. hwæt is us ⁊þe come þu us to forspillene. ich wat þæt þu ert godes halga. 35And þa cydde hym se hælend and cwæd. Adumba ⁊ga hym of ⁊þa he ut adraf hine on hire midlene; ⁊he hym fram gewat. and hym naht ne derede. 36Ða wurðen hyo ealle forhte ⁊spraeken heom betweonen ⁊cwæðen hwæt is þæt word þæt he on mihte ⁊on mægne unclænen gaste bebeot ⁊hyo ut gað. 37Ða wæs hys hlise gewidmærsod on ælcere stowe þas rices. 38Soðlice he aras of here samnunga ⁊ferde on symones hus. Ða wæs simones sweger geswenched on mycelen feofren ⁊hyo hine for hire bæden. 39⁊he standende ofer hyo þam feofre bebead ⁊he hyo forlet ⁊hyo sone aras ⁊hym þenede. 40Soðlice þa sunne asah ealle þe untrume wæren on mistlicen adlen hyo lædden him to ⁊he sindrigen his hand onsettende hyo gehelde. 41Þa ferden þa deofle of manegen hremende ⁊cweðende. Sodes þu eart godes sune ⁊he ne geþafede þæt hye any þing spræcen. for þan he hyo wisten þæt he crist wæs. 42Ða gewordenen daige se hælend utgangende ferde on westene stowe ⁊þa manega hine sohten ⁊hyo comen to hym ⁊behæfden hine; þæt he heom fram ne wite. 43Ða sægde he heom. Soðlice me geþafened oþren ceastren godes riche bodian. for þan to þan ich eom asend 44⁊he wæs bodiende on galilea gesamnunge.


Luke 4: ASxG





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