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Gospels of Mark and John in Apma



The Apma language is spoken on central Pentecost island (Centre de l'Ile de la Pentecôte) of Vanuatu.


Selections of the Gospels were translated by Translated by Morrie Tabi and Keith Ludgater, and published by the Bible Society of New Zealand in 1972.

The Gospels of Mark and John (Evangiles selon Marc et selon Jean en Apma) were published in 1977. Mark was called: “Dalek Teraba Non Jisas Kraes Mak Teulu”. John was called: “Dalek Teraba Non Jisas Kraes Jon Teulu`”. They were translated by Morrie Tabi of the Church of Christ. They were published together as “Dalek teraba non Jisas Kraes Mak nuru Jon ratru ulu”, by the Bible Society of the South Pacific (La Société Biblique dans le Pacifique Sud).

Digital Edition

These Gospels of Mark and John in Apma were digitised from an original copy at the BFBS archives at Cambridge University in England. This was done for the Bible Society of the South Pacific (BSSP) with the help of MissionAssist in 2024.

British & Foreign Bible Society


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