Genesis 13:15
Catholic Public Domain Version
All the land that you see, I will give to you, and to your offspring even forever.
Naršyti Genesis 13:15
Genesis 13:14
And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot was divided from him: "Lift up your eyes, and gaze out from the place where you are now, to the north and to the meridian, to the east and to the west.
Naršyti Genesis 13:14
Genesis 13:16
And I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth. If any man is able to number the dust of the earth, he will be able to number your offspring as well.
Naršyti Genesis 13:16
Genesis 13:8
Therefore, Abram said to Lot: "I ask you, let there be no quarrel between me and you, and between my shepherds and your shepherds. For we are brothers.
Naršyti Genesis 13:8
Genesis 13:18
Therefore, moving his tent, Abram went and dwelt by the steep valley of Mamre, which is in Hebron. And he built an altar there to the Lord.
Naršyti Genesis 13:18
Genesis 13:10
And so Lot, lifting up his eyes, saw all the region around the Jordan, which was thoroughly irrigated, before the Lord overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. It was like the Paradise of the Lord, and it was like Egypt, approaching toward Zoar.
Naršyti Genesis 13:10
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