

DAY 6 OF 7


It’s Day 6!! I’m JJ, and I’m so happy you are on this journey with me. You are almost finished, too! I know yesterday may have been uncomfortable for you. I’m proud of you. Being stuck in our comfort zones won’t allow us to receive the blessings God has for us.

Today, we are meditating on God’s Word. In Hebrew, the word “meditation” means basically to speak or to mutter.

Meditation has so many benefits, including increased self-awareness and decreasing anxiety and depression, and much like gratitude, it helps with sleep. There’s nothing like some good sleep, but the most powerful benefit of meditation is living a fulfilling and flourishing life.

The Word says in Joshua 1:18

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.

Meditation on God’s Word helps us flourish, grow, persevere, live a fruitful life, and prosper. Meditating on God’s Word allows us to draw closer to God and builds our relationship with God.

Here is a practice my coach and mentor, Monique Walker, gave me that is a part of her incredible PURE U coaching:

Find a Scripture to meditate on today and take a look at what three words God is drawing you to.

While meditating, listen to what God says to you about these three words.

Feel free to use a meditation app for soft meditation music, YouTube, or just good ole peace and quiet. Sit and meditate for one hour today.

What will be your meditation plan? How often will you dedicate time to meditation? After meditation, I want you to reflect and write down what you heard during that time. If you didn’t hear anything, that’s ok. This is why it’s called a meditation PRACTICE. Keep working on it! It’s worth it.


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