The #1 Key For Making Right Decisonsಮಾದರಿ

The #1 Key For Making Right Decisons

DAY 7 OF 7

Day 7 - Demands From People

There are all sorts of ways the devil loves to pressure us into making wrong decisions. Sometimes it comes from other people’s demands or opinions. It’s especially hard when people close to you are trying to pressure you into making a certain decision. They may think they know what’s best for you, but the only one who always knows what’s best for you is God.

You don’t always know people’s intentions when they’re pushing you toward a decision. They may have your goodwill in mind; but they also may have their own agendas, or they may just like to control other people’s lives.

God is not a control freak, and the only intentions He has toward you are good. You can trust Him to help you make right decisions—He’ll only lead you in the right direction.

Jesus was pressured by people. Religious leaders tried to pressure Him into showing them who He was. They said, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from You” (Matt. 12:37). But Jesus didn’t succumb to their pressure. He was interested in following only one Person: His Father. He didn’t fall for their manipulative tests or allow them to pressure Him. Instead, He answered them by saying, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah” (v. 39). Basically, He just brushed them off.

Jesus didn’t succumb to pressure from people, and we shouldn’t either. He simply followed the leading of the Holy Spirit. That’s all we have to do, too.

I have one friend who admitted she’s often let people pressure her into decisions. She wrestled with trying to please everyone—or discern the voice of God from the many voices around her. 

But recently she said, “I’m finally starting to see how second-guessing is so damaging to my faith,” she said. “When you waver like that, taking everyone else’s thoughts and opinions into consideration, you’re never convinced you heard God correctly. But faith never goes backward! It keeps moving forward despite external controversy or conflict.”

We can’t live to make other people happy. If we choose to base our decisions on God’s leading alone, it will work out best for us, and for everyone else. Don’t be pressured into a decision based on what someone else thinks. (You can read more in my book How to Make the Right Decision Every Time).

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About this Plan

The #1 Key For Making Right Decisons

God wants to help you make every decision in your life – big and small. When we let Him guide our decisions, we make the right ones! And that can make all the difference between success or failure, stress or peace, joy or devastation. These seven devotionals give you insight into making the right decisions every time with God's help.
