Proverbs 22:14-29

Proverbs 22:14-29 The Message (MSG)

The mouth of a prostitute is a bottomless pit; you’ll fall in that pit if you’re on the outs with GOD. Young people are prone to foolishness and fads; the cure comes through tough-minded discipline. Exploit the poor or glad-hand the rich—whichever, you’ll end up the poorer for it. Listen carefully to my wisdom; take to heart what I can teach you. You’ll treasure its sweetness deep within; you’ll give it bold expression in your speech. To make sure your foundation is trust in GOD, I’m laying it all out right now just for you. I’m giving you thirty sterling principles— tested guidelines to live by. Believe me—these are truths that work, and will keep you accountable to those who sent you. Don’t walk on the poor just because they’re poor, and don’t use your position to crush the weak, Because GOD will come to their defense; the life you took, he’ll take from you and give back to them. Don’t hang out with angry people; don’t keep company with hotheads. Bad temper is contagious— don’t get infected. Don’t gamble on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, pawning your house against a lucky chance. The time will come when you have to pay up; you’ll be left with nothing but the shirt on your back. Don’t stealthily move back the boundary lines staked out long ago by your ancestors. Observe people who are good at their work— skilled workers are always in demand and admired; they don’t take a backseat to anyone.

Read Proverbs 22

Proverbs 22:14-29 American Standard Version (ASV)

The mouth of strange women is a deep pit; He that is abhorred of Jehovah shall fall therein. Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; But the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. He that oppresseth the poor to increase his gain, And he that giveth to the rich, shall come only to want. Incline thine ear, and hear the words of the wise, And apply thy heart unto my knowledge. For it is a pleasant thing if thou keep them within thee, If they be established together upon thy lips. That thy trust may be in Jehovah, I have made them known to thee this day, even to thee. Have not I written unto thee excellent things Of counsels and knowledge, To make thee know the certainty of the words of truth, That thou mayest carry back words of truth to them that send thee? Rob not the poor, because he is poor; Neither oppress the afflicted in the gate: For Jehovah will plead their cause, And despoil of life those that despoil them. Make no friendship with a man that is given to anger; And with a wrathful man thou shalt not go: Lest thou learn his ways, And get a snare to thy soul. Be thou not one of them that strike hands, Or of them that are sureties for debts. If thou hast not wherewith to pay, Why should he take away thy bed from under thee? Remove not the ancient landmark, Which thy fathers have set. Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; He shall not stand before mean men.

Read Proverbs 22

Proverbs 22:14-29 Amplified Bible (AMP)

The mouth of an immoral woman is a deep pit [deep and inescapable]; He who is cursed by the LORD [because of his adulterous sin] will fall into it. Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; The rod of discipline [correction administered with godly wisdom and lovingkindness] will remove it far from him. He who oppresses or exploits the poor to get more for himself Or who gives to the rich [to gain influence and favor], will only come to poverty. ¶Listen carefully and hear the words of the wise, And apply your mind to my knowledge; For it will be pleasant if you keep them in mind [incorporating them as guiding principles]; Let them be ready on your lips [to guide and strengthen yourself and others]. So that your trust and reliance and confidence may be in the LORD, I have taught these things to you today, even to you. Have I not written to you excellent things In counsels and knowledge, To let you know the certainty of the words of truth, That you may give a correct answer to him who sent you? [Luke 1:3, 4] ¶Do not rob the poor because he is poor [and defenseless], Nor crush the afflicted [by legal proceedings] at the gate [where the city court is held], [Ex 23:6; Job 31:16, 21] For the LORD will plead their case And take the life of those who rob them. [Zech 7:10; Mal 3:5] ¶Do not even associate with a man given to angry outbursts; Or go [along] with a hot-tempered man, Or you will learn his [undisciplined] ways And get yourself trapped [in a situation from which it is hard to escape]. ¶Do not be among those who give pledges [involving themselves in others’ finances], Or among those who become guarantors for others’ debts. If you have nothing with which to pay [another’s debt when he defaults], Why should his creditor take your bed from under you? ¶Do not move the ancient landmark [at the boundary of the property] Which your fathers have set. ¶Do you see a man skillful and experienced in his work? He will stand [in honor] before kings; He will not stand before obscure men.

Read Proverbs 22

Proverbs 22:14-29 The Passion Translation (TPT)

Sex with an adulteress is like falling into the abyss. Those under God’s curse jump right in to their own destruction. Although rebellion is woven into a young man’s heart, tough discipline can make him into a man. There are two kinds of people headed toward poverty: those who exploit the poor and those who bribe the rich. Listen carefully and open your heart. Drink in the wise revelation that I impart. You’ll become winsome and wise when you treasure the beauty of my words. And always be prepared to share them at the appropriate time. For I’m releasing these words to you this day, yes, even to you, so that your living hope will be found in God alone, for he is the only one who is always true. Pay attention to these excellent sayings of three-fold things. For within my words you will discover true and reliable revelation. They will give you serenity so that you can reveal the truth of the word of the one who sends you. Never oppress the poor or pass laws with the motive of crushing the weak. For the Lord will rise to plead their case and humiliate the one who humiliates the poor. Walk away from an angry man or you’ll embrace a snare in your soul by becoming bad-tempered just like him. Why would you ever guarantee a loan for someone else or promise to be responsible for someone’s debts? For if you fail to pay you could lose your shirt! The previous generation has set boundaries in place. Don’t you dare move them just to benefit yourself. If you are uniquely gifted in your work, you will rise and be promoted. You won’t be held back— you’ll stand before kings!

Read Proverbs 22